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“And then yesterday, just when we were getting ready for practice, the mother of all storms came.” Lisa waves her arms around wildly, almost knocking over Joy’s pumpkin juice. “I mean, does life suck or what?”

“It’s your fault for having practice at ungodly hours in the morning,” Seulgi says, mouth stuffed with steak-and-kidney pie. “I mean, nobody’s even awake at five, not to mention able to play Quidditch.”

Wendy wrinkles her nose as she picks a piece of potato out of her hair. “Seulgi, do the world a favour and close your mouth while you eat.” She grimaces exaggeratedly as she wipes her hand with a napkin.

“Seriously, Lisa,” Seulgi says, completely ignoring Wendy. “I think that storm was a sign.”

Lisa raises an eyebrow. “A sign?”

“Yeah, a sign that nobody’s supposed to have Quidditch practice at ungodly hours in the morning.”

“Hey, guys,” Chaeyoung says cheerfully as she takes a seat beside Wendy. “You don’t look very good.”

“You wouldn’t look very good either if this crazy military leader woke you up at four thirty for Quidditch practice,” Yeri says darkly, pointing to Lisa.

“Lisa just wants us to do well,” Joy speaks up defensively. “I mean, Slytherin’s won the House Cup for the past three years. Don’t you want to break the streak too?”

“Joy, you’re too nice to the sergeant,” Yeri says. “She’s bad enough, don’t spoil her.”

“Oh my god, guys!” Jennie gasps, running over like a Basilisk’s on her tail. “Did you hear the news?”

“What news?”

“We have these transfer students coming from Beauxbatons,” Jennie says excitedly. “It’s some kind of exchange program.”

“Can they send Lisa to France?” Seulgi asks.

Lisa just rolls her eyes at her. “Stop being such a baby.”

“No, Nayeon and Jihyo went,” Jennie replies.

“They get all the luck..” Wendy grumbles. “I want to go to France! The clothes are out of the world there. I saw the prettiest dress robe in a magazine one day—”

“The point is..” Jennie cuts in. “You guys have to be on your best behaviour. We have to give a really good impression of Hogwarts.”

Wendy and Yeri exchange a look. Seulgi just snorts and digs into her mashed potatoes.

“I’m so excited,” Chaeyoung gushes. “I’ve never met an exchange student before.”

“I wonder if we’re going to get someone who plays Quidditch well,” Lisa muses. “I could do with a new Chaser.”

“What’s wrong with us?” Seulgi demands.

“You’re not exactly demonstrating a lot of enthusiasm for Quidditch.”

“That’s just because I like my sleep too. Doesn’t mean I don’t like pulverizing Slytherins.”

“It’s usually them doing the pulverizing to us Seul..” Joy points out.

“Joy,” Seulgi sighs. “I see Lisa’s pulled you over to the dark side.”

Jennie groans. “I have my work cut out for me.”

“What work?” Chaeyoung asks.

“If I were a transfer student and I came here with you bunch going at it like this, I’d be rushing back to where I came from before you can say Floo powder.”

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