introduction || warnings

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hi, so. i have no idea what im doing... but then again i have an idea...?


this book is an AU. which means that this is an alternate reality/universe so you do not need to know anything about one direction or harry styles. sure you can stalk them like i do and i definitely recommend doing that because it makes your life better but ill leave some videos from time to time that i enjoy to feed your own obsession.

ill be putting a bunch of popular phrases used, maybe you can comment on which you recognize. if you feel left out, like i said...ill leave some vids for you to watch at the end of a chapter.


this is my first real book. i put a lot of thought into it, especially laying in bed like at 1:00 AM trying to connect the dots on this story. it'll probably be all over the place but i really hope you enjoy it. i am trying my best :)

if you dont like it, i understand just don't send hate because i probably wont like it either but hopefully it comes together!


just warning you, im a very cringey writer and person in general. ill probably say something in one of my authors notes and laugh when its not even that funny.

im one of those writers who starts the story and the idea just comes while i write it. i have a ton of writers block sometimes which means i have a hard time writing a chapter.

i also excessively edit my chapters when i don't like something. also because i am indecisive.


some of the chapters will be short and some will be long depending on what you guys choose. long or short chapters. so far i've gotten the feedback that people prefer long so that's what i'm going at for now until someone tells me otherwise.


the way the boys are in this story have fictional personalities. how they act or what they do, do NOT correspond with how they are/were in real life.


warning: this book will have mature themes such as a bit of sexual content (which is going to be unrealistic and horrible because i am a virgin so i don't know not even a little bit of how anything like that feels or happens :-| ), foul language, talk about eating disorders, depression, suicide, etc. if you think you're not mature enough i suggest you dont read.


all rights reserved to @lovelywwrites


but anyways thats pretty much all i have to say. if i have something else to say i'll say it in the authors notes. i'll also remind you of some stuff in the a/n's. dont be afraid to comment i appreciate it! and dont be afraid to give me feedback, just be nice :) also you can vote if you'd like *lip bite*

stay safe, wear a mask, and tpwk please unless being mean is necessary then by all means go for it!

- w

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