Chapter 1 - Reunion

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The PBDC was going great so far. Mayumi Doujimai was looking forward to every new meeting, enjoying being around her friends. Life was way more interesting now with all the exciting cases that they were solving. But before that, she had to finish school first. The teacher's monotone voices mixed with the boring lectures made her classes drag on forever.

When school finally let out, she immediately went outside and quickly scanned the area. Unsurprisingly, Fudatsuki was not there.

Lai Fudatsuki - after they last talked, he strangely disappeared—he never appeared around the school anymore. Was she relieved? Not really. She expected him to come around sometime soon so they could continue those "connections" he was talking about—but it wasn't something she looked forward to. It seemed like he forgot all about them.

She shook the guy from her mind, taking a sip of her drink.


She bumped headfirst into the person she ran into, her bag falling on her floor and her drink spilling over the guy she bumped into. She rubbed her aching nose and quickly started to apologize.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going- "

She looked up at the guy's face. 'Speak of the devil!' Fudatsuki was standing in front of her.

He noticed her and gave her that familiar sly smile.

"Hello, Miss Doujima. It's nice to meet an old acquaintance," he said, picking up her bag, then handing it to her.

She snatched it out of his hands. "Uhh... Hello, Fudatsuki," she said, glancing at his shirt.

"Here," she said, pulling a napkin out of her pocket and handing it to him.

Unfortunately, he decided to wear a white shirt that day.

Mayumi grit her teeth.

"You know what? I can just clean it for you. There's a laundromat not that far away - I can just pay for you to clean and dry your clothes," she said, to be polite.

He nodded. "Thank you for your kind offer, Miss Doujima."

'Dang. I didn't think he'd agree', Mayumi thought, gesturing for him to follow her.

Sometime later, they were sitting in the laundromat.

"I heard that you became the student council president," Fudatsuki said, trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah," she replied. "I haven't seen you around here lately," she said, trying to quickly change the subject.

"I have been occupied lately," he replied. "But today I decided to take a shortcut on my way to the bus stop." He checked his watch and frowned.

'Why did he decide to take a shortcut just now?'

"Doesn't the bus come in a few minutes?" She asked

He nodded. "But don't worry yourself about me being late. I can't fault you for offering to do a kind deed."

After waiting for a few more minutes, she suddenly remembered something. "What time is it?"

"It's 4:20."

She quickly stood up, realizing that she was running late for the PBDC meeting.

"Sorry, I'm going to be late for a meeting, so here's the money for the laundry," she said quickly as she took her bag.

She put her hand in her pocket and threw what was in there at him, and then quickly dashed out of the laundromat.

She had no money left for a taxi, so she ran as fast as her legs could take her. She reached for her phone - and suddenly realized that she had given him the phone along with the money.

'Why couldn't I have Mr. Barelegs' legs?' She started running faster, praying that she wouldn't be that late for her meeting. 

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