Donovan X Abadnoed Waffle House

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It had been a few months since the Waffle House in Lleh had closed down, leaving Donovan sad and waffleless. Each day on his way to school he would pass by the empty shell of the once great Waffle House, his heart becoming empty just like it. Nothing seemed to bring him as much joy as that Waffle House had.

The reason for the closure had been due to some murders carried out in the back of Waffle House by some employee. Donovan didn't think that warranted closing the entire store though.

Now that it was closed it was supposed to be torn down and turned into a Dennys, aka Donovan's most hated breakfast restaurant.

One day when walking back home from school, he decided to finally give into his gut fealings and explore the Waffle House. He dropped his bag off at home then went back to the Waffle House. The windows and door were boarded up but on the back of the Waffle House was an unboarded up door. It just had a simple lock in it.

Donovan went to the back door and kicked it open. Nothing would stop him from going into this Waffle Jouse.

Once he was in he took out his phone flashlight and looked around. It was pretty empty. All ofa sudden, a voice filled his head.

Hello there, I am the internal spirit of the Waffle House, you are my true soulmate

The voice said to him.

"Oh my god, could it really be true?" Donovan thought outloud.

Yes, it is infact true

Donovan couldnt believe it.

He dropped to his knees in excitement. Gus soul mate was the Waffle House that he loved so dearly.

After that he started going to the Waffle House to visit it every day after school. This continued for months.

Then one day the Waffle gouse was boarded up, and surpunded by construction crews. Then the Waffle house blew up.

Then they built a Dennys in its ace.

Donovan cried many tears. Forever.

He was so dad. His soul mate had died.

Then he blew up the Dennys. After eating all the eggs and toast. And robbing it.

Then he make a little wooden Waffle house and killed anyone that came near it.

He was in love again.


No lonver sad.

The end. 

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