Arizona Chicken Iced Tea

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James Charles woke up on a Saturday evening, it was raining as it always did. He made himself toast and left for work. He works at a chicken processing plant in the next town over. On his way he saw a car broken down on the side of the road, so he stopped to help. A young man with yellow hair, and bright blue eyes stepped out of the car. He was wearing a vibrant red tie. "Hey, I'm spongebob." The man said, nervously. "Do you need help?" James Charles asked. "Yes, I-I mean no." Spongebob stuttered. James Charles took a look at his car and quickly found what was wrong, there was a dead rat caught in the alternator's belt! James Charles pulled it out and then licked his fingers, then gave the remainder to Spongebob. "You should eat boy." James Charles said. "Thank you sir." Spongebob said. "It's Saturday, I don't even have work." James Charles said facepalming. James Charles walked to his Carolina squated truck, "You coming Spongebob?" James Charles asked. "Yesir."

"So where do you live?" James Charles asked. "I don't know, I stole that car." Spongebob said. "Understandable," James Charles said. Suddenly a private jet crashed on the highway and exploded, only one person survived the crash, it was former president Donald Trump. Donald got in with James Charles. "Thank you for taking me in, frankly you're a hero." Trump said. Trump and Spongebob locked eyes. Trump gulped. They drove for a while until James Charles crashed into a sinkhole. They would've drowned if it weren't for the teenage mutant ninja turtles. Who stepped in to save them. A man walked over wearing a Hatsune Miku shirt, "Do you need a ride?" The man asked, "I'm above average joe by the way." The man said. He led them to a school bus, "I'm the bus driver for the elementary school, they've turned it into an emergency shelter during this hurricane." above average joe said. "Why were you out? It's Saturday?" Trump asked. "I was transporting cocaine of course! I've already got some other people too." above average joe replied. "Oh, of course, you're my hero!" Spongebob said, clinging to above average joe. On the bus there was a person wearing shredded khakis eating a full pan of lasagna. There was another person bashing their head against the window. In the back there was a medieval knight in full armor. "Huzzah!!" He shouted. The bus began moving. James Charles got food poisoning and died. Spongebob ate too much cocaine and died.

They finally reached the elementary school. They were greeted by the second grade teacher Mr. Aizawa. "Welcome to our emergency shelter, put your cocaine and blood in that corner over there." Mr. Aizawa said, pointing to where all the children were. The children began throwing chairs at everyone, so the teenage mutant ninja turtles beat them to death. After a few days the reptiles died. Then the teenage mutant ninja turtles got into a tragic accident involving a can opener, and subsequently perished. The hurricane became purple. One day a person came out of the toilet with pink hair, she had a abnormally large spoon in her hand. She walked into the gym and killed the knight with blunt force trauma, then scooped out his organs and fed them to Donap Trump. Mr. Aizawa played trumpets as a part of the ceremony, as above average joe drew a circle with the knight's blood. The lights dimmed and the knight's corpse was consumed by shadowy hands that dragged him into the underworld. The circle glowed for a while then there was Hatsune Miku standing there. above average joe immediately pounced. But she deflected him and broke his neck, killing him instantly.Saddened of above average joe's death, Donald Trump committed suicide with a scooter. The pink haired woman attacked Miku with the spoon, but Miku grabbed the woman's hair and hit her with her knee. The pink haired woman's brain was stuck to the ceiling. Miku trained her gaze on Aizawa. Aizawa summoned mjolnir and easily killed Miku with it. Panting with rage, he turned to the person eating lasagna. Aizawa dumped the lasagna onto the floor, "Why are you always eating lasagna!? Tell me!" Aizawa yelled, picking them up by the shirt. Suddenly someone head butted Aizawa in the back, paralyzing from the waist down. Aizawa fell to the ground. And they lived happily ever after as the hurricane got worse and they all drowned. The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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