The fiers

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Who new your life could change within hours. I didn't until it happened. This is my story, the story I will never forget.

It was a beautiful sunny day in March, Everything was perfect. My friends and I were playing football at a nearby park.The grass was dry witch made it great for football. "Black 22 black 22 set hike! " Yelled silas. We all went running hitting each other and trying to tackle Silas before his team won. Sadly no one was able to tackle him and they won. After a long 2 hours we were finally on the way back home!

"BANG!" We all stopped, our hearts dropped. There was fier were we had just finished playing! I was standing there in shock until Preston grabbed my arm."Run" Screamed Preston dragging me through hot air, that was ounce dry and cold.

when we got home we screamed to our mom who were sharing the latest gossip. "mom t-theres fier" Said Copper in shock. "Fier?" Loura the boys mom said confused. "There's fier were we were just playing football!" Said Copper concerned. They went outside to see if we were lieing. And we weren't there was fier and it was spreading torwds us!

Mom let the dogs outside in a rush to make sure that they weren't inside the home. We packed up all our stuff grabbed the cats turtle and bunny. My mom called the cops to ask were we should go. while they were packing the car about to leave to got to the movie theater, me and copper went on a walk to try and find the dogs.

We found our dogs, but when we came home everything was gone so was our home. When their sister heard about the news she rushed to pick us up and when she got there we put all the stuff in her car jumped in the car and watched our Town fade out of sight while we sat there helpless.

We drove for another 45 minuets until we got to the movie theater were everyone who was trying to escape from the dangers of their own home. At the movie theater they had food water and blankets for people who didn't have them.

I was scared to death and so was copper. By now our hole town was gone and so were the people we loved the most. We left without even being able to say goodbye. We miss every one even the kid that lived down the street that was always so annoying.

I wish everything would just go back to normal.  That I could just go back and say goodbye to my family. I have copper and Emile but I want my mom. No I don't want my mom I need my mom. I need my family the people who care more about me than anything.


Nothings really back to normal but it's better I went to live with my aunt in Texas life is better now but I still wish I were back home.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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