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It was a nice calm day, a cool breeze was blowing soothingly, The sun was shining and reflecting off of Ratchet's armour as he could feel the heat from the sun, The clouds were moving slowly. In all different shapes, sizes and even fluffiness. Ratchet was currently on top of Sumdac Tower. He needed some time alone, he was trying to process what happened. He couldn't focus with all the thoughts going around his helm and oven overwhelming him or overloading his systems to the point it was too much where he had to get outside for some peace.

The Medic had one of his legs over the edge of Sumdac tower and hugged his other leg to his chassis, He sighed as he leaned his helm back. Getting the scene of the slow moving clouds and the birds that would occasionally fly over. Ratchet knew he had work to be doing however he couldn't bring himself to do it. Ratchet had heard large feet against the rooftop, Not Prowls, Not Bulkheads as the footsteps were slightly lighter and had a different tone and it was certainly not Bumblebees. The only footsteps those could belong to is the Prime himself.

When the Prime got closer to Ratchet, The old medic didn't turn to look at him or even meet his gaze. It would be a mistake if Optimus saw how tired Ratchet was after missing another recharge schedule and not refuelling like he is supposed to, he wasn't sure what Optimus would do. Prime cleared his Voicebox as he kept a distance between himself and Ratchet. The Medic sighed as he prepared himself to respond to Optimus. It took him a few minutes to whip up a sentence that would make sense. Ratchet cleared his Voicebox before he even spoke. "Prime, Is there something you require?" Ratchet asked as he shuttered his optics shut. He couldn't even look at Optimus. Not right now anyway.

The prime came closer to Ratchet and decided to take a seat next to Ratchet and place's his servo over Ratchets. However, he soon noticed Ratchet took his servo away from Optimus. Because of this Ratchet sighed but he knew that Medics servos can be sensitive so he understood in a way. Optimus looked at his friend as Ratchet didn't meet his gaze. Optimus's optics softened. He wanted to know what was going on in Ratchets helm of his but he couldn't. Only the medic can tell them what was going on and there is no way around it as far as the Prime knows in Medical terms.

"Something is up Ratchet, You've been up here for quite some time. Is something bothering you?" Optimus asked as he realised the medic didn't look at him at all. Not even a quick glance not to mention there was no sound coming out of the Medic whatsoever. Could he have just powered off his voicebox because he didn't want to speak? Or was Ratchet in shutdown mode or even recharging? Even if he was recharging he wouldn't have gone out that quickly now would he? This didn't make any sense to Optimus at all. He knew something was up With Ratchet but he didn't know exactly what it was.

The medic stayed quiet for a while before he found the courage to respond to Optimus's question. He sighed heavily as he glanced at Optimus quickly before returning his gaze back to the sky and the clouds. "Everything is alright Prime, I just need some alone time if that is alright. I'll be with you all shortly" Ratchet replied as Prime was about to speak however Ratchet cut him off. Optimus knew this was a lie, Ratchet knew this was a lie himself. He wasn't alright, Nor will he ever be. He didn't want anyone to know or worry about him at all.

He didn't want the attention. He is the Old field medic back on cybertron and he will always remain like that no matter how many bots tell him that he is more than that. The rest of the team is like family to Ratchet and he knew he could trust them with anything. But he's scared that if he tells anyone all of this they might treat him differently or not even see him the same way they always have done. Ratchet spoke up again.

"I assure you, Nothing is wrong. It just got a bit too crowded in there and just needed some time. You should already know I don't disappear often and when I do I go to somewhere where it's quiet so I can process things better. I'm fine Optimus. Nothing is wrong. May I ask why you asked that question?" Ratchet asked as Optimus looked thoughtful for a moment. He wasn't sure on how to respond to that however he deeply cared for the medicine was the one who made them whole altogether.

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