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When I look in te mirror dad says I'm going to see a beautiful girl, but instead I see a monster. I remember when mom and dad told me it wouldn't hurt before they cut from the corners of my mouth to the beginning of my cheek bones. That was a Lie. I can still hear my screams of pain and bloody murder from that day. I touch the scars lightly wondering if I could get rid of them. I shake the thought of my head and place my hand back on the I'm of the sink. ' never mind... Father wouldn't allow it anyways...'. They had kept me a secret for the last 16 years of my life... Today was te day I would finally get to explore Gotham city.

I would have to go it alone; otherwise my parents would be caught and possibly thrown in jail... Well if they were caught.

I looked down and then back up again shifting my hands to adjust before I felt a bottle feeling thing. I looked to see mothers foundation. I had never put on makeup before so I wasn't sure how to use it. I picked the bottle up with my right hand trading it off to the left.

The liquid inside was cold and just around the shade of my skin. I massaged it in my hands a few moments before touching the substance to my face.


I walked out of the bathroom feeling self satisfied with my look. Father was in the kitchen beside mother talking about their next plan to reek havoc in the city. Mom looked up at me with a shocked look. " quinn dearey what is it." He looked up at me seeing what I had done to my face. " Chelsea, why have you covered those beautiful scars?" I gulped. " well... I- I um..." My eyes wandered to a far off distance. " well?" " I'm... Uh... If... They see me with te scars..." Father looked disappointed in me. " your not embarrassed of me are you?" Mother looked disappointed as well. " no I'm not embarrassed! I have never been embarrassed!"

" I think she may have wanted to cover up her scars to hide them from the citizens of Gotham." Mother said. " well.. This won't stand. Go clean your face off and come back down for breakfast." I gave off a poutey expression. " now." I groaned and left for the bathroom.


" alright you know the rules! Don't tell anyone who we are! Don't tell anyone of your past or where you live! Do you understand?" I nodded. " oh and don't forget to be back by 7," I nodded and started off for the door." And don't forget your purse!" " ok dad!" I grabbed my purse ad checked to make sure everything was present. ' laughing gas, pepper spray, razor blades... Yep everything's here!'.

My bag is more of a weapon carrier. It holds my most precious items... Well, most precious family heirlooms.

Father wanted me to have these things just incase I would need them in an emergency.

The only emergency I could think of would be if I ran into one of fathers old friends... This so called friend my father claimed his name was batman. What a cheesy name. I've heard of superman, and it sounds worse.


As I stepped out if te door for the very first time I could already feel the hatred in the air. Why was I so excited to see this?. I questioned myst as I walked down the pavement. I had never walked on concrete. But I had always imagined it as something different. Never the less this is probably better than what Was in my mind. I tucked a few stray strands of blonde hair behind my ears as I walked, passing the trash cans and blowing bits of paper.

My family had lived in this abandoned building for as long as I can remember. We were constantly relocating for hiding purposes. If we were found.... I wouldnt know what to think.

I exited the alley taking a right turn. I kept my head hung low hoping no one would notice my scars. They would think I was a freak.

Keeping a steady pace I crossed the street avoiding the traffic. " jaywalker!" I had heard a voice in the distance say. I ignored the voices and kept walking. I was going to go to the local park and explore my surroundings. I wanted to see what nature was like. Te few glimpses I had of it was when we were relocating and I was able to see a few things once we had gotten out. Father didn't permit me to look outside the window since he didn't want people noticing us. Or me. If they saw me they would know the " joker" had a daughter, they would hunt me down and take me away. And I didn't want that to happen. So I obeyed his commands.

As I reached the park a group of men called for me. " hey! You! With the scars!" I stopped in my tracks and swirved around on the balls of my feet. I clenched my jaw. " I see you've noticed my scars?" The man I assumed was the leader of the group smirked. " care to share your story with us over here?" " no thank you." I said turning back. " it wasn't meant to be a question." I laughed. " seemed like it." I continued my walking and they continued their useless talking. " come here." He said. I kept walking. " I said come here!" I stopped and began reaching into my purse. " are you gonna make me?" " probably." I grabbed the pepper spray keeping my hand in the bag. As te men approached me I squeezed the bottle. When thy were close enough I took the spray out and it spewed into their eyes. As there cries of pain projected from there mouths I started running.

Once they were out of site I headed for the park. The grass was very green and the trees were beautiful. Some were hinted link and purple, others the normal green. I wanted to get away from the people.

I neared a large clearing were a small willow tree was near by.

I closed my eyes and inhaled the clean air. The smell of freshly cut grass and pollen; to others they may dread the smell, but me... I love it.

I ran to the willow tree and plopped down under it. I looked up staring at the beaches as they swayed in the wind. The leaves were a light green hinted with a darker shade. It was a beautiful scene... If only I could get a- I reached into my purse and pulled out a camera. I turned it on and snapped a picture of the scene. Beautiful...

I got up and adjusted myself. I noticed a figure roaming around the clearing. It was a boy. His hair was black ad his skin was pale.

He noticed me staring and smiled a toothy smile. I smiled back and waved. He began to approach me before a look of disgust and a panicked run from me made me realize something.

I'm different and my difference could act as a repellent to any human being on the face I this earth. I felt hot tears brimming my eyes.

' it's time to leave' a voice in my head said. I listened to the voice and and ran back to the house. Or alley as others would say.

Once I reached the alley I wiped my face so it would be free from tears and hurt. I shook the sorrow away and walked inside. Mom and dad weren't home. ' they must be at " work"' I didn't mind being alone. I was fine with it. Father is always doing something with mom, so I would always be alone.


As I shaved my legs in te bath I felt as if the scars in my far weren't enough.

With a deep breath and a gulp, I held out my wrist, pressed down on the blade and moved it in a swift motion. I swallowed the pain held out te other wrist and repeated the steps.

I felt a tiny bit better.

But it didn't look right.

So I took the razor held out my wrist and cut. I did this until my lower arm was a third covered in cuts and blood. By this time I was crying and tears were streaming down my face. But I didn't care if it made me look the way I wanted to I was fine with it.

And no one was gonna take this pain away. Not now atleast.

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