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Hey guys .....

This is my new manan story .... It contains approx. 10 parts ....

Manik Is a heart broken guy .... whose girlfriend cheated him with some other guy .....

while nandini is a girl who has lost her parents nd now is living with her step mother ..... who is surelly anything but a pain in ass .... !! 😜😂

What will happen if her step mom hooks her with an alliance ..... !?

Who is the guy who is coming to see nandini ?

How will be our manan's meet ..... !!

Will manik ever move on from his past .....

How will nandini get successfull in bring him back to his normal self .... ?

How will they form manan from manik nd nandini ?

Read more to know their small journey .... to nandin healing him nd he bocoming her world ....

But for that Do follow me first ....

Coz all parts will be private nd can be read after u follow me .....


Ur author

Hı§ Heałer ńd Her Worłd ~ MANAN SS Where stories live. Discover now