Why don't we leave it at that?

When everything gets in the way.

Seems you cannot be replaced

And I'm the one who will stay.

* * *

He no longer bothered with calling. Texts. Face times. He stopped reaching out to her. He thought 'What would be the point-if I were to be ignored yet again?'

He stopped trying to bring her back.

It seemed like she only wanted to come back when she wanted. When it was convenient for her.

She was ingrained in his thoughts, his memories, his brain. She seemed to only want to comeback in random dissociations, dreams and broken-down deja vu.

Like, he'd be be walking down fifth avenue and spot a girl with dark brown hair, that looks exactly like her, and he'd swear for a breathtaking-choking moment - it was her.

Then he'd realize that her hair isn't quite the same colour and length. He'd realize that they do not have the same posture, that the girl walked differently than her. That her whole aura was not the same that encompassed the girl he loves-loved.

Then he'd realize that the girl wasn't wearing a hat - she always wore a hat when it was anything below 10 degrees.

She hated getting sick, she was always suspicious. She believed that you were at greater risk of catching a cold if you exposed your head. Which she was somewhat right about.

Then again, she always seemed to be right.


Y/N who always acted with her brain instead of her heart. The Y/N that wasn't exactly the most outgoing but managed to make everything more fun, and make other people seem more drab. The Y/N that made him fall so deeply in love that he was no longer himself.

The Y/N that ruined everything.

Y/N, the one that decided to leave.

He'd stopped trying to bring her back.

Harry was simply too tired and emotionally exhausted.

He was the only one willing to stay.

As It Was - Harry styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now