Big Ol' Baby Gator: Little!Monty And CG!Freddy

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Location: Monty's Room


Today couldn't get any worse for him, Monty had thought. The day had started off with him being rudely awoken by Roxy's screaming, which only made him more anxious and more inclined to chew on his nails. No, he wasn't some kid or a baby, at least that's what he told everyone in public. Glamrock Freddy was the only one who really knew about his regression, which could get annoying when guests were around since the bear was protective of his kids, an example being of how he is with Gregory. Stupid kid giving him trauma....!

Anyway, back on topic, it was during one of the performances they had that day that really pushed him to the edge. It was for a kid's birthday party, no big deal right? Wrong, the kid in question was an absolute spoiled brat to the point of being a perfectionist. Sure, everyone was stressed out, including him, but he had it the worst. Monty ended up being the main target during the party, so he got weighed down by the stress triple times the amount the others did. It wasn't until the birthday kid threw a fizzy faz can at his head that he absolutely lost it, letting out a gutteral screech before storming off while flipping tables everywhere. Freddy had gone after him, but was inevitably sent back to his room just like he and the others were.

And here he was now, the Montgomery Gator laying down on a soft purple blanket, sniffling and lightly chewing on a corner of it. It's all he needed at the moment, and Freddy coming in wouldn't help. Nope. No sirree.

Glamrock Freddy P.O.V.

Oh dear...I should've noticed Monty's stress sooner, what kind of father am I?? Sigh The least I can do is check on him, right? It's not a good idea to leave my son like that...yes, I consider him my son, just like I consider Gregory my son. He may be 18 now but he's still my cub.

Luckily the staff won't notice me going over to check on Monty. No offense to them, but they really don't have the sharpest sight enhancers. It only takes me a few minutes to get to Monty's room. I had taken a peek inside to see...ah yes...his comfort blankie. I think I need to get him a chew toy or a teether though, he won't stop chewing on the one corner.

Ah, he spotted me! Hopefully I can make up for not noticing his distress earlier! "Monty..." I say in my soothing, robotic voice. I am well aware my voice is robotic, but others have described it as soothing as well. Anywho, Monty looks up at me then averts his gaze again. He must feel very, I have an idea. I do not know if it will work on him though. I've only seen parents do this to their little ones at least once or twice, but it should work on Monty too, right?

A few minutes later...

Narrator(?) P.O.V.

Well, Glamrock Freddy ended up being sorta right. The blanket covered up Monty, yes, but it couldn't be wrapped around him all the way. It didn't matter though because now Freddy had a sleeping baby gator held firmly in his arms. Freddy smiled down at him as Monty let out a few small yawns, nuzzling into Freddy's big chest. Glamrock Freddy leans back into Monty's old couch, letting out some contented chuffs before going into rest mode himself.

This is my first time writing anything like this, I hope I didn't mess anything up ;w;

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