Water Glow

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Soft music flowed from the radio. I kept an eye on Eli and Prince while slicing watermelon, the sun shunned brightly towards the glossy pool. Eli swam in the shallow area, while Prince showed off his swimming skills. What else was this man good at "Prince, Eli come get some fruits" the two rushed towards the sliding patio door into the kitchen, water dripped everywhere.

"Jesus don't slip" I joked. A puddle sat underneath the twos bodies "Watermelon" Eli clapped his hands together, picking his tiny figure up I sat him on the counter. Prince was shirtless and drenched, what a sight I'll tell ya. He dried his self with a towel, slipping a piece of watermelon into his mouth.

Handing Eli a slice. I wore a two piece with a wrap around my waist, my hair was out and curly "Swim swim" Eli reached his arms out to be taken back to the pool, which he enjoyed. "He seems to like the water" I sat him on my hip as Prince viewed. We walked back to the pool, Eli rushed in while my feet dangled from the edge.

Soon a pressure pressed against my back. Prince's arms wrapped around my figure "What are you doing boy?" He swayed the two of us side to side, slowly. "I only have eyes for you" he relished the music as he sung from behind me. Eli swam not to far away from the two of us, my mind wondered what it'd be like to have a few kids.

The thought never crossed my mind since my life has been too bad for too long. Whenever I'm with children I enjoyed them as much as I can, but having some of my own was a scary thought, although there were times like these were my heart craved for babies. "You got some line backer shoulders" my mouth flew open.

Appalled "Bitch I know you didn't" he chuckled. Eli cooed while trying to drink the water, Prince got back into the water and lifted him up "How many kids are we gonna have" him and his tactics. My stomach filled with butterflies "That's not my question to answer but your girlfriend or wife's" he sat Eli near me, giving him a duck toy that floated with him.

He swam, sitting his hands on my lap "Venus like the planet of love, you wanna be my girl?" Was he asking me to be his girlfriend? My heart raced, everything felt like it was blurred beside him. Our eyes attached for a long period before Eli began to cry, he was 5 or so, I knew he was tired "Come on Eli let's get you bathed" I rushed to be anywhere but with Prince.

Here I was again. Avoiding the fool's questions, he wants me to be his girlfriend and he doesn't even know my real name, drying his tiny body off with a towel, me and Eli walked up the stairs and into the bathroom. It was pretty big, setting him down on the ground and turning off the faucet, he struggled to take his sleeves off. A door shut from downstairs, Prince must've came inside.

"Here" I sat him in the shower. He took off his swimming trunks as the water hit his back. A bottle of shampoo and conditioner with cartoon characters sat on the sink, figured that was his. It'd be weird if a 32 year old man or woman was using these kinda products, especially Scooby doo.

Squatting as I helped wash Eli off. "Answer my question Gia" suddenly my lungs felt like they lost all air. Did he just call me by my real name? Trying to ignore it he kept poking at me while I showered Eli. "Who names their child Venus? Also Andy's got a pair of lungs when shouting your name" I knew someone caught on to Andy screaming Gia in the middle of a group photoshoot.

Prince munched on an apple while leaning on the door. His eyes kept looking me up and down like he knew something more, "Come on" shutting the faucet off and draining the tub "Can you get his towel?" I order Prince to get away for a few seconds so I could process.

Is that why he's been acting weird lately? Because I lied about my name? What else does he know? My real occupation?

Prince tossed me the cloth, I wrapped Eli in it before picking him up. Passing by Prince he smirked a bit, he was so weird "Let's get you into some comfy clothes before you play with your toys" I searched through his drawer to find a two piece pajama set. His mother was coming home later on today and I needed Eli and the house to still be intact.

Once Eli's clothes were on I sent him to play with his toys just until his mother got home. Prince still wondered around like a lost child "I'm gonna shower, you can shower after but you need to leave right after" his eyes looked to my breast. Rolling my eyes "Your nauseating" I swung my hips down the steps to find my bag of clothes I packed.

"Why can't I just shower with you?" Fiddling through my bag I found a pair of shorts and a tank top. "In your dreams."


My shower was finally done and before I knew it Prince had to pee. "Can you hurry up a bit Gia" he kept calling me by my name which I kept trying to ignore "Hold on a second" I tried to quickly dry myself and slip on my bra and underwear before he came in. "Alright I'm coming in" he barged in the door while I was still getting dressed.

"Wait-" trying to cover myself with the towel. "Chill girl I seen you in a bikini. A bra and panties are just the same" I turned away as he pissed. He let out a groan of relief, I wanted to slap the shit out of his ass.

Getting out of the bathroom was the hard part. The toilet sat near the door, I wasn't gonna walk pass him with nothing but a bra and patines although I have a towel. His crazy ass may try to pull it off or something "Hurry" I begged. He side eyed me before putting his member away "It's my turn mamas" he slipped his pants fully off, only to be in his boxers which were printed since he was damp from the pool.

I hurried out the way and put the door which he slammed in my face "Fucker" I huffed.

𐙚 𝐈𝐅 𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐔𝐑 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang