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Rising from her soft bed, she put her pale wrinkly feet onto the cold wooden floor. The sun filled the room and bounced off of her face. 

Lizzie slid her grippers into her pink fluffy slippers that she used around the house and went to the bathroom to get ready for her day. 

Once in the bathroom, she flipped her head downwards, allowing the hair on her back to flow in front of her face. Using her hair tie, she put her short ash-colored hair into a messy bun and smiled into the mirror. 

Admiring her beauty. 

She skipped into her walk-in closet to find the perfect outfit. Later today, she was doing to be attending a music festival. 

Reaching for her pant drawer, Lizzie wanted to wear her favorite pair of jeans; black ripped skinny jeans. Tie-dye was her go-to whenever she wore those jeans too, and it would be so quirky to have them together. 

Suddenly Petal ran into the bathroom, mud covering every square inch of her, and leaped towards Lizzie. Ruining her clothes. 

All of her other clothes were in the wash so she had nothing to wear for the music festival, and she wasn't about to wear dirty clothes either. 

With disappointment, she glared at Petal but then softened her face because she could never be too mad at Petal with that cute uwu face of hers. 

She sighed. 

The only clothing store near her was at the mall. Sliding her pajamas back on, she grabs her car keys from the counter and walks out the front door of the palace. 

When the car started, the radio played "Watermelon Sugar" by Harry Styles. He was going to be at the festival performing this song too omg. 

Driving on the wrong side of the road, Lizzie surprisingly made it to the mall. Teenagers filled the emo stores like Hot Topic and Spencer, ew. But she wasn't here for them, no. 

She strutted, like the queen she is, to the nearest hip store. 

Forever 21. 

Browsing around her options, she sees this beautiful pair of shorts from across the rack. She walks over swiftly, afraid someone else was going to take them. Khaki colored to the knee cargo shorts. 

Without even trying them on, she knew they would fit, the universe brought these knee-length shorts into her hands. Now it was time for a shirt. 

Lizzie knew that she wanted to have the undershirt be of mesh. Right next to the mesh top, was a teal cop top, with a little mustache covering the chest. 

"Perfect" she smirked to herself, now time to checkout. 

The man at the cash register gestured for her to come over to his register. 

"Is this all for you today, ma'am?" He spoke looking at the items. 

Lizzie couldn't hold back her excitement, "Yes, this will be good"

"Are you interested in 10% off your next purchase if you sign up to use our rewards program?"

"No thank you, sir" Shaking her head, she handed him her credit card. 

"Alright then, your total will be $103.95 Would you like to round up to help donate to the children's hospital?" 

"No. Can I have my card back please?"

"Sure ma'am" He gave her the credit card back and she quickly put it in her wallet. 

The man printed the receipt and put it in the back with the other items of clothes she bought and slid them across the counter. "Have a nice day m'lady" 

Lizzie smiled and nodded her head, she ran out of Forever 21 with her big eye-burning yellow bag in hand. 

Sprinting through the parking lot and practically jumping into her car, she started her car again and drove back to her castle. 

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