Eyyy - chp 1

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The air seeping into your lungs hurt, eerie grey smoke wisping by your face. It smelt disgusting. The unbearable want to move, to thrash around flooded your body, but you just needed to stay perfectly still.

Just stay still

Stay still as they place the cigarette on your skin, burning the skin on your ripe flesh. The red hot embers coming into contact with your hand, creating a wonderful smell.

Now don't scream in pain, don't give them what they want, don't give in, you've felt worse pain before, you got this.

Jessica twisted the cigarette into your hand, her disgustingly painted lips pulled back into a sneer.

'That's right, get mad. Get mad and then storm off' you thought.

And you were right. Dropping the cigarette onto your hand, Jessica and her friends pulled away, let your arms and legs go and left the bathroom. Even once they left, the bathroom was still filled with their stink. The smell of perfume and cigarette smoke mixing in a fetor fragrance.

You let yourself enjoy the fleeting feeling of a victory before the tears started to fall.

The moment was short lived because before you could do anything someone barged into the bathroom. You were shocked for a second before you scrambled up to your feet.

It was the dean of students

His gut sticking out as far as the clothing would let it with the end being sucked beneath his belt.

Your stomach dropped, a sick feeling started to course through your body. When you saw his face you knew what he thought. What he knew to be true by what his eyes were witnessing.

He thinks he just caught you smoking. Having been tipped by the girls on their way passed him, he hadn't quite believed them but he had to check none the less. Maybe he wanted to be proven wrong about the girls and perhaps his opinion of them have shifted now that he's seen their words were 'true'.

You stopped breathing as if, if you couldn't smell the smoke it would simple begin to not exist, that it's fetor wasn't being breathed in through the hairy nose of the one man you had never spoken to but knew well. As if you couldn't smell it would mean that he couldn't as well. But it was just meaningless dreaming. Because when you started to breath again the smell was still there.

"Soo.. you having fun in here? You uh..smoking?" He took a once over, his eyes drifting over your clothing, seeing if you had anything in your pockets that resembled a pack of cigarettes or lighter. His eyes were hard and unbelieving. It made it hard to defend your case because you were afraid he wouldn't believe you no matter what you said. You didn't want to get in trouble, especially for something you never did.

"No sir" Your formality made you seem even more suspicious.

There was a moment of silence, the dean of students was deep in thought, you could feel the cogs turning in his head as he was about to print with his mouth a receipt of words he had thought up as your punishment.

"I'd like to search your bag as well as your clothing" He held his hand out noticing your face flushing with embarrassment. "It's just procedure"

You hand him your backpack dreading every second of it. You watched as his hands started with the very first pocket, the smallest one. He found nothing, just some loose paper. Your heartbeat picked up as his hand zipped that pocket up and slid over to the next one.

You looked away, you face flushed. You couldn't watch.

That pocket had your 'feminine products' in it. Your pads and tampons.

He continued to the rest of the bag not finding anything out of the ordinary. He gave the backpack back to you and patted your front pockets, looked at the back ones and patted all down your legs.

His hands were light and business like, but it didn't make any of this any more uncomforta

He sighed. "I didn't find anything so get going to your next class, if you need a pass tell your teacher to call me" you grabbed your bag and put it on, the heavy weight served as an anchor to steady your fast beating heart. You wanted to get out of there as fast as you could.

You opened the door having taken a few steps when the man's voice called out again.

"Well well well" you turned around. "What's this?" The man was bent over something pinched between his fingers.

That was it, you were done for.

It was the cigarette that had burnt your hand.

The huge ball in your throat didn't let any words pass your lips. You couldn't believe what was happening.

'i didn't do it! It was someone who hurt me! She been bullying me, look at what she did!' The silent cry that wanted to come out was trapped beneath the heavy fear of Jessica. She'd hurt you even more if she found out.

You getting in trouble compared to what she'd do to you was nothing.

So you sat there as he gave you a 1 hour detention for the whole next week after this one.

When your mom heard the news all she did was offer you a cigarette in celebration.

You went to bed early that day, hoping this week and next week would pass over quick.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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