6 || She wants to officially quit, her spy work?

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Minutes Later, Rosalie merged from getting her daily hair routine. She has thoroughly combed hair, and it's all nice an straight. Rosalie has a half up half down moment going on. tied with a simple pink bow. Her golden blonde hair is semi-long. it's waist length. Rosalie sat at the breakfast nook, facing the opposite to Jinx. 

I really... what to tell her, that I was an agent... I can't believe she doesn't want to hear it last night. come on Jinx... are you beyond truly alright with not knowing...
asked Rosalie, pleading to the heavens, picking up her toast with one of her hands and took a bite with a bit of frustration. 

Jinx looked up at Rosalie from her phone screen, after swallowing. She was about to take another bite of the toast. yet she noticed the depressing look on Rosalie's face. "what? if you have anything to say to me?"

Rosalie blinked, surprised, but sighed. "no that's okay, you would not likely want to hear what I have on my mind? you've made it crystal clear last night" she huffed, quickly putting the last of the toast in her mouth. and just because... i would've told you, since I no longer go there... 

Jinx squinted her eyes, standing up and leaned across the table. "you look tired? did you sleep alright?" she noticed partial bags under Rosalie's eyes. 

Shit... Rosalie's eyes widened and grabbed her juice, beside her. Still chewing and quickly used it to swallow. "Just forget it? since if I were to tell you... nevermind... I'll give you a simple answer, and no I didn't sleep"

She exchanged looks of an awkward eyes. As she spoke to Jinx.

"Ah okay... you better make sure to have a nap later in the day?" she spoke to Rosalie.

"Actually, I plan to go out after breakfast?" Rosalie looked away from Jinx, as she was standing up, grabbing a hold of her shoulder bag's strap. 

"oh, let me get the grocery list, I wrote down so you can go" Jinx says grabbing her plate and utensils and headed into the kitchen. 

Rosalie's eyes went wide, taking hers into the kitchen with her empty glass. "uh, you really don't have to? I don't plan to go anywhere near the grocery store. it's a-" she responded feeling hot. "It's just a walk" 

Jinx turned around with the list in her hand. "Nonsense, you can do both" she handed the list in Rosalie's hands "you can take my vehicle- the keys are at the door"

"what? Jinx, I can't do that? I'm planning to take my bike and-" Rosalie paused. and she realized that she can't get out any more of her words.

"Bike? I didn't know you had a bike?" she asked "plus I don't think you can ride a bike with a bunch of groceries well you can-"

"Jinx, listen to me," Rosalie put the list on the counter, with a slap. removed her shoulder bag from her shoulder. to remove her motorbike keys from her bag. I get she didn't see it, when we met, after I ran away from the agency, since I parked in a not so creepy alleyway... but still... "I don't plan to go that way to the grocery store... I have something to do or to think about-"

Rosalie turned around and walked to her bedroom and shortly later, returned with the silver briefcase in hand heading to the front door. Resting it down for a minute with her shoulder bag, with the keys inside it. Then opened up the front hall closet, to grab a light brown vest and her black knee-high boots to put it on her feet.


Jinx responded looking confused at where her friend was going. "where are you going?" she asked. "can't you just take my vehicle?"

Rosalie flashed her eyes at Jinx. turning to her attention. "I already told you, I am not going in that direction... and look I could tell you where I'm going, but you already made yourself clear that you don't want to hear it" she responded sadly, bending over to pick up the shoulder bag and dug out the shoulder strap to put it across her body. 

"What are you talking about? You didn't tell me about where you are going?" she asked almost to the point of needing to yell.

Rosalie picked up the silver briefcase and glared at Jinx with frustration etched in her eyes. As her eyes widened. "Well, it evolves around what I was trying to tell you last night? oh I know you are curious about it, but wouldn't bat an eyelid of it? You are all over the place Jinx" she screamed out "just after you saw what's in this silver case, I'm holding!" 

Rosalie huffed and turned around to touched the door handle, after unlocking the deadbolt and door handle, includes swiping the chain off the door. she turned the it and it opened. she moved to the side. and faced Jinx "I'll only tell you this, I'm only dropping something off" she spoke, before closed the doorshut after adding "You need to try to make up your mind, as if what you want." 

Jinx stood there in silence. Rosalie?


Rosalie walked down the hallway to the elevator of the building. She was aware of what she said to Jinx. Her heart was feeling heavy of regret, but she knew it was in the right, to say that. However, she wasn't at the same time. Rosalie reached the elevator. Pressing the down button. and stepping to the side. She let out a huge sigh. 

Rosalie can't believe she was attempting to go back to Celestial Arcane Agency, to return and officially retire from being a secret agent. "it's the only way to get rid of these dreams, I'm having?" she told herself before I could be honest with Jinx about everything and find a normal job, that doesn't involve with such dangerous activity. 

After a few hours, the doors opened, on the floor and she walked in and stood in the corner near the buttons she hit the main floor and then stood back watching the main doors close once more and then the elevator started to move downwards. 

Once the elevator stopped on the main floor, the door slid open once more and she walked out, holding her silver brief in one hand again. Rosalie emerged into the front hallway, after two turns. some people were seen lingering, and she had to admit she looked rather suspicious, from holding an mysterious briefcase. She was the most suspicious one. 

She didn't care. All Rosalie did was casually walk out the doors, into the street of the city. besides holding the briefcase she went to the same alleyway where she stored her bike. behind a wall she put up from her Elven magic. 

Upon slipping in the alleyway after checking if it was vacant. It was. Rosalie casually went to where she hid her bike. she reached the location and spoke a couple of words and it broke the barrier. she set down her silver suitcase and opened up one of the bags at the end. She noticed her spy suit. which was mostly black with a few purple add on's. She smiled picking it up and stuffing it in her shoulder bag. 

Rosalie was removing her agent  badge from her silver briefcase before closing it again and putting it in the opened bag. one of the bike's storage. She might need that to being let into the agency grounds. She slipped that in her shoulder-bag, but not before she removed her bike keys, from it. As well as close the flap of the storage and zipped that up.

Rosalie went on the other side of the bike to remove her bike helmet and closed that, before she climbed onto the bike with the helmet tucked under her arm. She then inserted it on her head. leaving the shield over her eyes, for now and set the GPS route to Celestial Arcane Agency. 

Rosalie zipped up the inner layer of her shoulder bag, where most of her things are located and then snapped it shut, before swinging it behind her back, to rest on her lower back. with her boots resting on the foot rests, Rosalie then inserted her keys into the ignition and then turned the handles. Speeding off and out of the alleyway, toward her destination. 

However, she was unaware that someone was watching her, from the shadows. and he was now laying on the ground in the corner rapidly hyperventilating and also drooling, after seeing that spy suit.  

Too be continued...

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