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Stampy Pov.
Walking through a forest at night. Not such a good idea. I'm taking the shortcut. The fastest way home. After around 10 minutes I hear a scream. I look around to see nobody. What to do in a situation like this? I continue walking and hear crying. "Who's their?" I yell. "Is someone their?!" I hear a girl ask. "Where are you?" I reply. "I don't know." She says. "Hang on, what do you do to calm down?" I ask. "Sing... I guess." She says. "Can you sing for me?" I ask. She goes silent. Then word by word flows. "Little ducky little ducky, quack, quack, quack. Little ducky little ducky, just like that." As she finishes I find her sitting on the ground. "How did you get their?" I ask. "I got lost." She replies. "Come with me. I'll get you home."

*Time Skip*

I walk her to her door. Her parents come running. "Beth! Are you okay? Honey where were you?" They say. Her mum looks at me. "With him?" She says. "Uh no." Says the girl. "I got lost and he helped me." Her dad stares. "Why didn't you call?" "My phone died." She says. "Well thank-y" She says. "Joseph." I say. "Thank-you Joseph." They say. Beth stares at me weirdly. "Stampy cat?" She says. "Hi." I say. She goes pale. "Oh my gawd!" I look at her and smile. "The Stampy Cat! Mum!!!" Her mum smiles. "Nice meeting you she says." Then they walk inside. I go to turn away and Beth hugs me. "Call me Sqaishey." She says slipping a peace of paper into my pocket. I smile. "Bye." She says. "Bye." I reply.

The next day.

I open my mouth to put some cereal in. I then. Hear a knock at the door. I open it and see Beth standing their. "Hey, thanks for last night." "It's fine." I reply. "Look, my parents kicked me out of the house. So, I need somewhere to stay. So, can I stay here with you?" She asks. "Well yeah sure. Did you bring anything?" I ask. "No... Just my handbag and thats it. I'll pay and all that b-," She says as I cut her off. "Don't worry about paying." I say. "Come in and i'll get you sorted." I add. She nods. "Nice place you have." She says roaming the area. "Thanks!" I say.

Duck! A Stampy & Sqaishey Short Love Story!Where stories live. Discover now