Chapter 1

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Oh hello, how are you? Yes the fourth wall is already broken, you know I had to because it'll make this more fun when someone does something stupid *cough cough* probably a boy with a teeny tiny dick named Phillips *cough cough*, sorry I had something stuck in my throat. I'm Paige and I play right. Really I play anywhere In outfield and I'm the 1st base sub in, and I play catcher ever once in a while, but I'm mainly in right or center. You might think 'hm don't right fielders normally suck?'. yes, yes I do. But thats not really the point is it? That's a rhetorical question do not answer that, Let's just get on with the story, shall we?

My team and I live in a town called San Fernando Valley in California (its hot as hell but at least its not humid). We're met this season because we all made our school softball team and we all clicked instantly and our parents all really enjoy each other. We have Emily our catcher (m&m), Paige (her first names not actually Paige but none of us know her actual first name but there's ) our pitcher, Madi our 1st basemen, Avah s our 2nd basemen, Aly our shortstop, Hannah-grace our 3rd basemen, Ava b our centerfielder (we call her hot wheels) and Nyla is our left fielder. We all work really well as a team and just have fun. Some of us have more experience than the others but we don't care.

Emily's grandpa has an adorable dog named Hercules, so naturally, we all agreed to meet at his house. The rest of the team and I walk up and ring the doorbell and we hear Hercules barking. Emily answers the door with her glove in her hand.

"I found a place to play ball, go get your stuff and meet me back here." We all run back to our houses and grab our stuff. I notice some new neighbors and walk up to introduce myself.

"Hi Im Paige, I live next door to you guys and noticed you're new and wanted to say hi." The pretty women, who im guessing is the mom, smiles.

"Thank you, That's my son Scottie and I'm Mrs. Smalls" She gestures over to her son and I wave. He shyly waves back, smiling.

"It was nice to meet you Mrs. Smalls, if you need anything like a babysitter I live right next door and I'm normally free." My mom walks out with brownies for the new neighbors. I figured she had noticed there were new people in the neighborhood meaning a new friend for her. She introduces herself and they start talking and everybody knows when moms start to talk, its an hour later when they finish (and that's if you're lucky) I take this as a chance to slip away and grab my mitt and wooden bat from inside and run back to Mr Myrtles.

"what took you so long?" Madi asks.

"We got new neighbors and I think I also got a new babysitting job." Emily laughs

"you? Babysitting? Id like to see that." I roll my eyes

"He's in like 6th grade and I don't think he'd require a lot of work. now cmon where's this field you were talking about." I say. changing the subject. Emily walks up to her grandpas backyard and we all jump the fence.

"Nice field." Nyla says and we all go to our spots, with me going up to the plate because, well my bat, my hit. We use a baseball cause they're cheaper. Some boys start walking up in the outfield but we ignore them. I go up to the plate and Paige (the other one because I don't normally refer to myself in the 3rd person, normally being the key word) throws a pitch perfectly down the middle. I swing and hear the crack of the bat and the ball goes souring. I take off running and glance over at the group of boys, their eyes follow the ball and their jaws drop when it goes flying over the fence. My teammates cheer as I smirk and stomp on home plate, my red converse making a dirt mark on the plate.

We start walking to Mr Myles fence so I can jump over and get the ball back and one of the boys runs up and pulls me down by my waist.

"get your hands off me!" I say as I slap him.

"what the hell is wrong with you?" Paige asks

"I was saving you! You cant go over that fence, there's a big scary monster mutt over there!" The boy says. He's tall, has really beautiful hazel eyes, jet black hair and he's wearing a dodgers cap.

"Nice hat there bud, and I think ill be fine." I start to climb the fence again and land in a Spiderman pose.

"I swear if you just landed in a spider-man pose" Emily started

"Oh shut up, you know how good that comic is" I cut her off and walk over and get the ball., climbing the fence and hopping back over, again landing in the Spider-man pose. I smirk at the boy and put the ball in front of his face.

"A big scary monster mutt? Yeah sure ok bud." I pat his shoulder and we start running back to the bases.

"Hey! you cant do that!" a younger boy said. He had reddish hair and a bunch of freckles. He's more heavyset. We all stop.

"Do what?" Hannah shoots back

"Play ball, here" Another boy says. He has glasses and looks like a total nerd. Id probably bully him a little, especially cause he seems like an ass.

"and why not?" Ava B asked

"Because, this is our field" a boy with a Yankees hat replies

"Yeah this is our field!" a boy, who looks a lot like the yankees hat kid finishes, they have to be brothers or their moms have some explaining to do to the milkman

"who said?" Paige shoots back

"yeah bro I don't see your name on it. Is there a plaque or something?" I remarked

"exactly you cant just claim this field, if anything its ours." Nyla adds

"why is that?" a boy with a backwards hat and jersey on asked

"cause my grandpas house backs right up to this field" Emily answers, not telling them which house it was cause apparently they're scared of his dog. It'll be a shock to them when they realize.

"Yeah sure, we'll play you for it" The boy with the pretty eyes challenged

Our team exchanges looks, all nodding

"yeah alright" Aly accepts the challenge

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2022 ⏰

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