There is always a reason to why people act a certain way...

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"Pinch, punch last day of this month," was the last sentence I heard as a silky, soft, slender hand pinched my rough foot sending a chilling wave through my still body. Horrified, I ruthlessly gasped for air as my breathing evened up. I then closed my mouth, held my breath and lay still for several minutes not knowing where the voice came from or what to do. After several minutes of blurry thinking I decided to grab my iPhone from my rustic wooden bedside table and text my friend. I turned the iPhone on and another chilling wave rapidly soared through my body like a rocket that had just blasted off into space. A photo of me sleeping was saved as my lock screen- I live alone.

A figure that seemed tall, slender yet slightly masculine started to slowly emerge towards my room. Common sense told me that my pursuer was indeed a female. It seemed as if she owned the place, she approached me swaying her hips from side to side emphasising her curves as her heels met the wooden floor creating a pleasant rhythm. As she got closer, my bedside lamp illuminated her face. She wasn't covering her face. She knew I wasn't going to get out of this alive. For a brief few seconds she stared at me and I held her gaze mainly because I didn't know what else to do. She had big, beautiful, brown eyes that were neatly lined with navy blue eyeliner. Yet her lashes seemed a tad too short for the kind of look I suspected she was looking for. Her nude lips looked like a dozen of needles had been pricked in them, giving her the perfect duck face. Still holding her gaze, I looked at her face wondering why she had kept a straight face ever since she saw me. Was it because she was trying to express to me that she is not someone to have a fight with and that she is tougher than what her body might portray. Maybe it was because of all of the needles that have been plucked in her face making it terribly hard for her to smile. Maybe she had made her face like that to distract her target, which was me. I decided that right now was indeed not the time to be wondering how and why a person's face looks that way it does. So I focused on trying to form a plan of escape.

I knew I wasn't capable of putting up a fight. I was lying in bed in my silky pyjama's covered in a comfortable, warm, thick lime green coloured doona. I just wanted to grab the doona pull it up towards my face and fall back asleep. Then things started to get deadly. She stood still, took a huge breath and blew out like she had just finished running a long marathon. She then quickly placed her hand inside her pocket- and like a flash took out a gun.

As I was trying desperately to look cool, calm and collected. She knelt down next to me as she said "Hey Maddie, I am genuinely sorry for interrupting your peaceful sleep, but the truth is I had to commence my murder before leaving Australia, so really I had no choice." I tightly held on to my bed, constantly having to remind myself to breathe, as my brain got filled with thoughts and questions that there was no time for...How did she know my that's not important...she is genuinely sorry for interrupting my - my peaceful sleep- but she has to commence her murder, she has to kill me, why me, why today, is she just going to blast a bullet through my head....sincere one second a brutal ruthless killer the next second. I was going to start a conversation that I believed would change the subject, in hope that I would not end up dead. However as soon as I opened my mouth she placed her small, petite finger on my dry lips and told me in a quick and harsh tone to be quiet. My body reacted quickly flinging her finger of my mouth.

What happened next shocked me- she laughed. A laugh that seemed to supress more evil then it did amusement. It terrified me, my hands started to shake uncontrollably so I held firmly on my bed sheets trying desperately to calm myself down. After her dreadful laugh ended I decided to look her in the eyes and I was shocked once again. I could clearly see pain. Even the eyeliner and her short eyelashes that were heavily packed with mascara couldn't hide that pain. Nothing was capable of hiding that pain. Once again my brain started to think and think and think- could it be because she was going to kill me. Maybe it was because of all the plastic surgeries that she had had, making it painful for her to laugh. Her sincere agonising voice stopped my thinking as it clawed at my brain.

"I have lived on this earth for 26 years. I used to spend so much of my time wondering and wondering why I was sent to this earth. I would spend countless hours trying to find a suitable answer that would satisfy me. I always ended up with nothing-I could never come up with an answer that satisfied me, until one glorious day that I will never forget."

An awkward and frightening silence passed the room before she continued speaking.

"Just like in every story there is always the good and the bad, the villain and the hero. The villains are always much more interesting right....."


"Don't umm... me" the sincere voice was replaced with anger.

"Yes the villains are always more interesting but -"

"Be quiet. So yeah exactly, I am a bad person and in this story I am the villain and I'm going to kill you."

"What story and why are you going to kill me" she actually let me talk for a change

"I knew you would ask me this question so I have prepared an interesting speech.

She dug through her pocket and took out a neatly folded paper and started reading.

"I have come here today in hope that I will murder you because...because I can!"

She then swiftly placed the gun on the right side of my forehead and pulled the trigger, click click. I could tell that she was frustrated and surprised. I was so scared I lay still not knowing what to do. She then stood up trying to keep a straight face but even in a room that was only illuminated by a lamp I could notice tears running down her face. She still held her ground and walked out of the room swaying her hips from side to side as her heels met the wooden floor once again creating a pleasant rhythm.

A few seconds later another girl who had a body build similar to the first girl, appeared from the end of my bed she didn't look at me, she just simply followed the first girl- swaying her hips from side to side. I then heard my front door slam shut and my heart started thumping rapidly like it was going to escape my chest. My grip tightened on my bed sheet and sweat formed on my forehead. I quickly grabbed my iPhone and phoned the police and my girlfriend. The police were never able to solve the case but ever since that day I have always kept a secure lock on all the possible entrance doors in my house, and I have slept with the lights on next to my beautiful girlfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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