No; this is the way.

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It had been Din's idea to go on this bonding trip to Korvis. 

Since he had brought Mandalore to a vague state of calm the armorer and Bo-katan had been at each others' necks regarding their rather Conflicting views. So he'd proposed that they take a trip to try and find some form of common ground. It was stressful enough trying to lead a group of warriors, never mind when two of the most influential ones were arguing, constantly.

Which is how they found themselves lost, in the middle of a forest, with an outdated holo-map and no communications.

To say that they were irritated, would be one of the many understatements of the century.

They had reached a split in the path, and now had three routes which they could choose to take. One of which would hopefully lead them back to their ship. 

The situation had sparked up an heated debate which was yet to be resolved.

"I'm sure this is the way. When we arrived the sun was to the west of the ship, so it should be the east now - west is down this path"

The armorer did not agree with this -slightly flawed (the sun moves)- logic. "No, this is the way, we were travelling north and this path goes south, so it should lead us back!"

Bo-katan was frustrated and heavily reevaluating her recent choices.

"Di'kute; it's clearly this path. There are footprints!"

"I think those belong to the locals."

"Who will have a map! So we should follow them."

The argument continued in a similar fashion for the next ten minutes, whilst Grogu - who had snuck into Din's backpack - stole the map and began looking at it. They had marked the coordinates of their ship before leaving, in case something like this happened. Which evidently they had forgotten.

Grogu, patted his buir's leg and pointed towards the holo-map. He cooed. All three mandalorians helemt-palmed.

Two standard hours later all three disgruntled travellers, and one hungry toddler, returned to their ship and prepared to return to Mandalore.

"I can't believe you convinced us to do this."

"It was a ridiculous plan"

However, clearly it wasn't ridiculous - as Bo-katan and the armorer could finally agree on something: never follow Din Djarin on a trek through a forest.

I apologise for how random this is.

Mando'a translations:

Di'kute - idiots

Buir - parent

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