Making Music

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A/N: So, I started rewatching Full House a few weeks ago. I watched it all the time as a kid, and now I'm actually watching it in order. Jesse was a childhood crush of mine but omg he's definitely hotter now (especially S1). So, enjoy this little fantasy, set in Season 1.

(Y/N) had been babysitting for the Tanner children for a few months. Every so often, the boys needed a night to themselves, and they called her for help. Stephanie, DJ, and Michelle all loved her, and she really enjoyed watching them as well.

That's why she was at the Tanner house Friday night. Joey had a late comedy show to perform at, Danny was working late, and Jesse was playing a gig at a local bar.

(Y/N) knocked on the door at 8 PM and Joey opened it. He looked distressed.

"What's wrong?" (Y/N) asked.

"I'm so sorry, we totally forgot you were coming! Jesse's gig cancelled so we don't actually need a babysitter," Joey explained apologetically.

"Oh," (Y/N) replied. "Well, I'm already here. I really don't mind, I'm sure Jesse could use the night off anyway."

"Come in, then," he said, holding the door. "I'm leaving in about twenty minutes, so I'll just be practicing downstairs."

"Sounds good. Good luck tonight!" (Y/N) said cheerfully. She had gotten to know the whole family in the past few months, and she got along well with all of them.

She played with the girls for about an hour, then sent them to start getting ready for bed, with many protests. Once she had a moment to herself, she realized she hadn't seen Jesse at all. That's strange, she thought. Usually, he would want to play with the kids also.

She decided to go up to his room to check on him. Guitar chords echoed from the bedroom. She knocked softly.

"What do you want?" Jesse snapped.

"It's (Y/N), I just wanted to say hello. I just realized I haven't seen you all night. Is everything okay?" she answered quietly.

"Everything's fine. Good night."

Everything was definitely not fine, judging by his tone. She slowly opened the door. "Jesse, what's wrong? Is it because your show tonight cancelled?"

Jesse was sitting on the floor next to his amp, guitar in hand. He looked down. "This was the first show I've scheduled in so long," he muttered.

(Y/N) sat down next to him. "Jess, I know it's frustrating, but it will work out. There will be other shows."

"What if it doesn't work out? I'm almost 25 years old," Jesse argued dejectedly.

"Then maybe it won't. But if this is still your dream, you need to just keep working at it. You are talented, Jesse. But you can't lose hope," (Y/N) said. "Look, I have to finish getting the girls into bed. When I come back, I want to hear a song you've written."

(Y/N) stood and walked into DJ and Stephanie's bedroom.

Jesse felt a bit better. He felt an idea starting to grow. Chords started to flow and he messily wrote down a few lyrics.

When (Y/N) came back into the room, she closed the door lightly behind her.

"Here, listen to this," Jesse said excitedly. He began to play, quietly as he could so as not to wake up the house. He sang-whispered a slow, romantic song. "It's just the beginning, but it's the first song idea I've had in weeks."

"That was beautiful!" (Y/N) exclaimed. "I knew you had it in you," she said with a smirk.

"Thanks for reminding me," Jesse smiled, looking at her. They both fell silent for a moment. Jesse began leaning closer, slowly, until they were inches apart. Both seemed afraid to make the first move, but then he finished his trajectory, meeting (Y/N)'s lips with a soft, sweet kiss.

She pulled away after a few seconds, eyes wide with shock.

"Did I do something wrong?" Jesse asked, hurt audible in his voice.

"No! No, I just- I didn't know. I didn't know you felt that way."

Jesse chuckled. "That's just the beginning of how I feel."

(Y/N) blushed. "Well, why don't you show me?"

"Have mercy," Jesse muttered before grabbing (Y/N). He leaned in and kissed her, harder this time. Their lips moved together, tongues intertwining for a few minutes.

"Someone should lock the door," (Y/N) mumbled in between kisses.

Jesse groaned, standing to lock it. (Y/N) stood too, and took her shirt off. She tossed it to the side and sat down on Jesse's bed.

He came back over to her and sat beside her. They resumed kissing, Jesse reaching around to unclasp (Y/N)'s bra. One hand held her close to him while the other began massaging one of her breasts, rolling her nipple. (Y/N) moaned into his mouth. She reached forward to pull his shirt off and threw it to the side also. She pulled him towards her, leaning backward as she did so. Now she was laying on her back with Jesse straddled on top of her.

Their making out grew more intense, both sucking and biting gently on each other's necks and jaws. Just as Jesse began to reach down to unbutton her jeans, they heard a sound from the living room. Both froze. They heard Danny come in, placing down his bag on the floor as he took off his coat.

Jesse and (Y/N) jumped up, frantically trying to grab their clothes. Danny started to come up the stairs. Jesse got his shirt on first and stepped in front of the door, hoping to block Danny's view slightly. Luckily, he went across the hall first, kissing the girls good night.

By this point, (Y/N) had gotten her clothes back on. She flattened her hair down as best she could just as Danny opened the door.

"Hey (Y/N), I was wondering where you were. Sorry about the confusion tonight," Danny greeted with a bright smile. "What are you guys doing?"

"Oh, I was uh, helping Jesse with his music!" (Y/N) replied.

"We were making music all right," Jesse whispered.

Danny smiled. "That's great. The girls were good I presume?"

"Of course! They always are, Mr. Tanner," (Y/N) answered.

"Thanks again for the help, (Y/N). You're free to go."

(Y/N) started to gather her things. She figured she could stop by and see Jesse some other time, not wanting to prolong this awkward situation anymore. "Good night, Mr. Tanner! Good night Jesse!" she waved as she walked out the door.

Jesse and Danny waved from the living room. Jesse started to go back upstairs, but Danny stopped him.

"Wait a second, Jesse," Danny said. "I'm glad you and (Y/N) are getting along well, but next time you want to make out, please go somewhere that isn't across the hall from my kids," he said sternly, but not entirely angrily.

Jesse spluttered. "What? We- we didn't- how did you-"

"Your shirt's on backwards. Goodnight, Jesse."

A/N: Hope you enjoyed! I was going to go full in with this, but I thought it would be funnier to have Danny interrupt. If anyone is interested in an alternate ending with no interruptions, let me know. This is my first writing in years, so feedback is appreciated. Also, if anyone has any good Jesse fics, especially NSFW fics, please let me know! It's a small fandom.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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