The Day I Lost Everything

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The Day I Lost Everything

It was one of those days, a day where you could tell that the day was just going to be dreadful. It was one of those days where you could just tell that something awful was going to happen. When I woke up, I had no idea just what was in store for me...

My day started out normal. Like any other day, I woke up and looked out the window. I saw gray clouds covering the entire sky and I remember thinking to myself that today was just going to be terrible for whatever reason.

Little did I know I was actaully correct...

I'll get into that later.

I went downstairs and I remember my mum and dad smiling at me as I walked into the kitchen. I remember greeting my parents with a 'Good Morning'. I remember my younger twin brother come downstairs and hug me and saying good morning to me and me greeting my brother the same way. I also remember my youngest brother running downstairs and into the kitchen, and almost crashing into the fridge.

Despite almost hurting himself first thing in the morning, my youngest brother just looked at me and my twin and gave us a toothy smile. Because of this, I remember thinking that maybe my day would be less terrible than I originally thought, but how wrong I was.

Little did I know that today would be the day I lost everything...

School dragged on, like usual, but at least classes were less boring with my twin by my side. My younger twin had the ability to make my day better when he was by my side, he just didn't know. But soon I would find myself without him and not knowing what I was going to do without him by my side...

Little did I know that today would be the day I lost everything...

My day continued to drag on, but with my brother by my side I was able to bear it, and soon (but not soon enough) school ended and me and my brother decided to head to our favourite café to complete our homework.

I ordered me and my brother something to eat and a drink. He might have denied wanting anything, but I knew he wanted something. I had no idea that this was the last time I was going to be here with my brother and the last time I was going to be able to hear my brother's laugh. I had no idea that this was going to be the last time I smiled or laughed.

Little did I know that today was the day I would lose the person who I once was...

After me and my brother returned home, I remember my parents and youngest brother greeting us back home. I remember having tea with my family and laughing. I remember playing board games with my family and having fun.

Little did I know that it would be the last time I would be able to do that...

Little did I know that today was the last time I would ever see my parents and brothers again...

That night, I remember saying 'Good Night' to my youngest brother after my parents read to him and me and my twin sang our baby brother his favourite song.

Little did I know that would be the last time I ever sang with my twin...

Little did I know that would be the last time I would get to sing to my youngest brother...

That night was the last night I ever saw my family and I couldn't do anything to stop what happened to them.

That night, while we were all asleep, someone snuck into the house. Now since I was a light sleeper, I heard whoever it was sneak into the house. I decided to hide under my bed, behind some boxes, and I hoped that whoever it was that was in the house didn't find me.

Whoever had broken into my house had snuck into my parents room first and all I remember was hearing them screaming.

I remember hearing my youngest brother screaming and crying before falling silent.

I remember hearing whoever this was sneak into my room and I remember the screams of my younger twin.

I remember silently crying under my bed while I waited for whoever this was to leave.

They eventually left and I remember lying awake all night under my bed until morning just in case whoever it was came back.

I remember coming out from under my bed in the morning and seeing the state of my younger twin, my youngest brother and my parents.

I remember calling my aunt and uncle crying as I told them what happened.

I remember telling the police what I had heard last night.

I remember packing everything I owned as well as a few things that belonged to my brothers and my parents.

I remember getting into my aunts car and looking out the car window the whole time with tears silently falling down my face.

I remember hearing on the news months later that the police had found who was responsible for this.

I remember feeling numb to every emotion for so long after the incident.

I remember a lot from that day, but little did I know that when I woke up that morning I would have everything taken from me. My happiness? Gone. My laughter? Gone. My parents? Gone. My younger brothers? Gone. The boy I once was? Gone.

Everything I ever loved was ripped from me and I wasn't able to do anything about it. In one night, everything I ever held precious to me was destroyed.

Years passed and I was able to slowly recover from the incident. I still remember feeling that that particular day would be awful but I could have never imagined that it would be the day I lost everything and the day I lost who I once was.

Little did I know that would be the day I lost everything...

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