Part 1

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Mikey's pov
I was shot by Naoto, and I thank him as I knew Takemitchy can't kill me, I was finally free from my miserable life. I woke up somewhere that isn't heaven, and I heard the voice I never heard again, my brother Shinichiro's voice. Then I look down and saw how small I look it's like I am back in elementary school.

It seems like I went back in time, and I was happy that I hugged aniki and Emma tightly and Baji and Kenchin. I saved my brother by taking the blow from Kazutora, "MIKEY!" I heard my friends an older brother exclaimed. I got took to the hospital and was ok but in a coma for a while then woke up at the age of 15. I meet Takemitchy at the underground fight at 15 and wants him to be my friend, I saved Pah-chin's friend and his girlfriend.

Draken's pov
Mikey has been clingier to me and Baji, he took the hit for his brother and was in a coma until he was 15 then meet a loser named Takemichi Hanagaki who he called Takemitchy and want him to be his friend. I don't know why but I feel weird as Mikey said that like I'm jealous of that loser because I got mad that Mikey wants someone other than me to be his friend.

"Come on Mikey," I called "Ya. See you later, Takemitchy," he said as he waved at him as he walked to me, and I waved everyone to go away. We walked together home after the stuff we do together, he looks happier when he saw that loser who he calls Takemitchy. I don't like him (Takemichi) very much and starting to hate him more.

Takemichi's pov
Mikey asked to meet me to talk about something that Draken isn't allowed to be anywhere near him. I was shocked what is something they he need to talk to me as Draken is not allowed to know or hear.

"I know Takemitchy," he said "Know what?" I asked, "You're a time traveler," he answer, I was shocked to learn that Mikey knows that I am a time traveler. "So can you tell me what happened to the future then we can change it together?" he asked. I was still shocked to learn the fact that he knows but shook it off and nodded and told him everything and he calms listen to me.

"I see, Kisaki is behind everything," he said understanding "Yes," I said relieved that he listens to me and understand. "Hanma is the second time traveler," he said "What?" I asked to confuse "The second time traveler is Hanma," he said, and I was shocked. "Why did you say that?" I asked "Don't you think it's strange? Every time you go back to the future everything should have change, but it didn't," he said. I got what's he's saying it's strange because everything should have change like he said when I did everything to change the future from the past.

"I saved Pah's friend and his girlfriend," he said "When?" I asked shocked "I was near the convenience store where I heard the Moebius attacked the couple," he answered. He acted fast other than that he said we should act normal as we protect and save everyone. I got what he I say, we should enjoy our life's as middle schoolors as we save everyone.

Mikey's pov
August 3rd is the fight between Toman and Moebius where Kenchin's death and October 31 is the Bloody Halloween where Baji's beath. Takemitchy prevents Kenchin's death, and I am forever grateful for him to do that as Kenchin is my heart and means alot to me. I hope that I get the chance to confessed to him, I have feeling for Kenchin, but because of my sister who loved him, I say nothing.

October 31, we fight Valhalla, Kenchin blocked the hit from Kazutora, Hanma attacked Kenchin, made him fight him so Kazutora can fight me. Kazutora lead me to the pile of cars and two people came and attacked me, Kazutora hit me on the head with the same move that killed my brother, I collapsed.

"MIKEY!" Kenchin exclaimed as he saw that I was down, Kazutora ordered the other two to hold me tightly as he beat me. "Mikey lost," Hantani brothers said "What? This isn't a fair fight! He's being pinned down," Takemitchy said as he watched. "I'M COMING MIKEY!" Kenchin exclaimed as he ran towards me, but Hanma attacked him and can't help me. I managed to kick them to beat them but collapsed then everyone in Valhalla to ran towards me to finish me while everyone on Toman is being pushed back. Takemitchy was shocked to see that everyone in Toman has been pushed back to the point where they can't help me, but him as he quickly run towards me pushing others away and start climbing.

One was about to attack me, but Kisaki saved me then Baji arrived and attacked Kisaki, but Mucho punches him. Kazutora was gonna stabbed Baji, but I moved fast and saved Baji from Kazutora attacked by taking it. "MIKEY!" Baji yelled I went back down and walked to Kenchin and Hanma. "Mikey," he said with concern "Kenchin it's over," I said "Oi. Oi. Over. It's not you who gets to decide," Hanma said as he came over then I kicked him. "There. It's over," I said everyone in Valhalla scream and ran away. I start walking away "Come on. Let's head back," I said as I walked with the knife inside of me, if I pull it out then I will die by blood loss.

Everyone in Toman followed my lead, I feel sleepy and rubbed my eyes, I didn't say anything as I walked. "Are you okay, Mikey?" Kenchin asked "Yeah, I'm just sleepy," I said. "Don't carry me piggyback cause I have a knife in my stomach," I said, "Ok I'll carry you bride style to the hospital," he said "Ok," I said as I let him carry me bride style to the hospital. I fall asleep as he carried me quickly to the hospital, he yelled for help and the other people and nursers saw that I was bleeding. They quickly took me to the emergency room and start working on me. The others were waiting for me with worried eyes and anxiety, they were praying for me to be ok. When they were done, the others quickly asked about me and the doctor said that I will be fine as I am very strong as I survive the surgery and is resting. They were happy and relief asked to visit him, and they were allowing to visit me.

Baji's pov
I was shocked to learn that Kazutora was about to stab me but Mikey took it then walked away. He was taken to the hospital, I took Kazutora with me to visit him, Kazutora apologize to Mikey for everything, I was proud that Kazutora apologize to him. I promise that I'll always with him and I keep that promise. Mikey woke up after the surgery, he's too strong for his own good when we got there and Kazutora apologize to him. Mikey doesn't forgive him but give him a second chance and let him rejoin the Toman and be the co-captain of 1st Division with me and I was happy that I have Kazutora in my squad. I thank Mikey and he nodded then fall back to sleep and we left the room Draken called the Sano family and told them everything that happened. Emma and grandpa Sano arrived to the hospital to visit Mikey the next day, I don't blame them as he is Emma's older brother and grandpa Sano's precious grandson. Kazutora apologize to them as well and I'm proud of them, Kazutora was still living with his parents.

I went with him to find where he lived and I was shocked when I saw how he was treated with his mom by their dad/husband. I swear to protect him, I will keep that promise and call the cops on him after I recorded everything that happened for evidence. They entered the house and took him away then Kazutora was living with his mom and was freed from his dad, he was happy and thanks me.

Takemichi's pov
Mission complete, Baji is still alive but feel sad that Mikey got hurt but relived that he was ok. I visit him a lot to see that Draken has been by his side every time, Mikey mean a lot to him as well. "A life without Mikey is nothing at all," he said I was shocked then told me his life story and now I understand that Mikey meant a lot to him. I feel bad for him as he need Mikey and depending on Mikey as he doesn't know what to do, he feels happy with him by his side. I will protect Mikey for Draken; I'll make sure that him and Mikey will be together happy.

Tsubaki's pov
I healed Mikey, I made sure there's no scar on his stomach then left to the cafe to work. "How is he?" Sumiko asked "He's fine. He needs to rest," I said as we start to work, servicing customers. I make dorayaki and taiyaki and went to visit Mikey with Aster, Sumiko, and Dan as the cafe was close. At the hospital, we walked into Mikey's room and place the dorayaki and taiyaki next to him. He woke up and I help him sit up, I hand him his favorite foods and he eat them then he went back to sleep, I laid him back down and tuck him back in. We left the room and went back to the cafe where we continue to work as our break was over, we were happy that he is going to be ok and needs a lot of rest.

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