Red-Blooded Dragon

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A red-blooded dragon
with wine in its veins,
oh, how it flies in the air
and seizes the ether.

From rocks to boulders,
Flats to mountains,
Water to Lava,
And ice to fire,
The dawn has come to
push you higher.

The snow on mountains
like frost on cake,
and the winter trees
like candles staked,
ready for a breath
to emit a blaze.

A howl and a growl
from a hungry brute,
desiring to wreck
the dragon's fruit,
stands beyond the wicks,
waiting to initiate
a flick.

A lick of the lips
as it kicks and whips,
heading straight for the
ancient birthday wish.

But with scrolls of
power and fury and might,
the red-blooded dragon
doesn't go down without a fight.

And with a quick wish,
the wildfire spurts.

The mut ran back to the cold
and watched the fire and the bold.

The red-blooded dragon
with wine in its veins,
continues to gain from strains
as its life began to reign.

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