77| Turkey Day

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Bent over her notes, Zoey did her best to catch up with Mr. Feeny as he stood in front of the class, using his pointer stick on the blackboard.

"I'm sure you're all aware of the conflict in Burundi which is now spilling over into Rwanda and Uganda." Mr. Feeny said.

Cory looked at their teacher in disbelief. "He's making these names up."

"He's finally out of stuff to teach." Shawn agreed.

"The Burundian conflict centres on class differences between the poorer Hutus and the richer Tutsis." Mr. Feeny continued.

"We're gonna have to put a bag over him and drag him out of the room." Shawn said.

"Sure, that way we save his dignity." Cory added.

"Class differences, the strife between the have and the have-nots, a perennial source of misery on our planet. Another source of misery, I expect each of you t do a paper on this topic during Thanksgiving break." Mr. Feeny informed which caused the class to groan.

"He's trying to drag us down with him." Cory whispered.

"But before we break for the holiday, I want to congratulate you all on this year's food drive. I mean, you've shown real generosity and selflessness. That said, this yea's winders are Cory Matthews and Shawn Hunter." Mr. Feeny announced.

Cory and Shawn jumped out of their seats and danced out of enthusiasm. "Oh, yeah!"

Zoey watched their performance and shook her head in amusement.

"Mr. Feeny, this is so unfair. They just keep turning in the same cans year after year." Topanga protested.

"Hey, my family gives them to the food bank, the food banks gives them to my family, my family gives them back to the fod bank. It's life in the food bank chain." Shawn explained cheerfully.

"So, what'd we win, Mr. Feeny?" Cory asked.

"You've won a turkey." Mr. Feeny announced, passing the turkey to Cory.

"Oh." The boys said in disappointment.

"And a box of stuffing." Mr. Feeny added.

"Ooh." The boys said again, this time with more excitement.

The bell rang and Zoey quickly packed away her books and stood up.

"Have a wonderful holiday and don't forget that paper!" Mr. Feeny called after the departing students.

"Happy Thanksgiving, Mr. Feeny." Zoey called out as she headed to the exit.

"You as well, Miss Francis." He responded.

When Zoey walked out of the classroom and caught up to the boys as they were arguing about their prizes.

"Well, of course you want the stuffing. everyone wants stuffing. Stuffing's the best part." Cory said.

"Just flip for it." Zoey suggested.

"I don't want to lose." Cory said.

"But you might win." Shawn pointed out.

"But, you see, if I lose then I don't get stuffing." Cory responded.

"There must be a way for both of us to have stuffing." Shawn said.

"There isn't." Cory answered.

"There must be." Shawn insisted.

Cory shook his head. "Impossible. There's stuffing. You either have it, or you don't, unless..."

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