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"Is she gonna be okay?" Prince rushed beside the stretcher that carried Cat's laying body. Unconscious, she stood while the paramedics took her into the emergency bus. "She'll be fine, if one of you would like to come in the bus please do" a man in a ambulance suit addressed the crew.

I stood on the side walk, people from the company rushed outside to get a taste of scene that was going on. Mr. Den being one of them, his thick accent shouted "What the hell happened?" He seemed pretty worried. Possibly due to their relationship "she was bleeding and fainted" From the corner of my eye I seen Prince hop in the back of the ambulance.

"I'll call you" he yelled to Levi before the bus drove off. Den seemed to look un pleased that he couldn't get into the bus in time "Fuck" he shouted before storming away. Everything happened so fast, I could barely keep up, Levi approached me "You okay?" he stood besides me.

"Yeah I'm fine" I knew he could tell I was crying. He held onto my shoulder "She'll be fine" it felt like this was all my fault. Only if she'd been with Prince earlier and I hadn't stepped in she could've been stable with him and not in this situation. Everything felt wrong "I know" I tried to utter other words but before we knew it Miko ran back outside.

"Yo P wants to talk to you" he handed Levi his phone. Levi stepped away as me and Mimi waited for his conversation to be over "Alright we'll be there" Levi's face seemed unsure. Raising an eye brow "What's wrong?" He gave the phone back to Miko, who was now interested on what Prince had told him over the phone.

He looked towards me "He knows" my heart dropped.

Rushing to the hospital and to the front desk "Hello we need to see Cat, Cat Glover" I had never heard her last name before, this had been the first. The lady that worked the front desk moved slow, she looked drained "One second please" me and Levi leaned on the counter, desperate for her room number.

"Room 246, second floor" thanking the woman we headed to the elevator and onto the second floor. Searching for 246, the 3rd door to the left, Levi knocked on the open door to alter we were coming in. "Hey" Cat laid in the hospital bed, she looked more alive than she was in the studio. "Where's Prince?" Levi sat on the edge of her bed, her eyes were puffy and red.

Something was wrong. "He... went somewhere" we all knew it was because he found out she was pregnant with Den's baby. "You told him didn't you?" I questioned, Cat's face scrunched into a cry. Wrapping my arms around her body, I felt so bad for her "Aww don't cry girly, I'll go see what I can do" she sniffled.

I had left Levi and C alone to speak for awhile, while I searched for Prince. He must've been really mad, this could effect his entire career especially with the label, but it wasn't Cat's fault.

A pay phone sat near the entrance of the emergency room. I slipped a penny into the slot and dialed his number, there was no way I could fine him through the unbelievably large hospital. "Hello" his voice was dull and heavy "Hi Prince it's me Gia... where are you? Cat told me you left" he sighed. I was a bit nervous to be honest, him being mad was something everyone kept saying was the worse.

I wasn't ready to see him like this "I'm home Gia, I really don't wanna talk right now" my shoulders dropped. Al my hope felt like a low battery, continuing to drop each day, "I'm coming" before he could say anything I put the phone back on the hook.

The doctor was gonna in form Cat on everything once she was better. Levi stood with her for a while, while I went to get Prince.
The drive to his house was short, he lived just a few miles down. Parking in the side of the road I got out of my vehicle and knocked on his door, when he opened his face was stern. I wasn't even sure if he would answer, but I went for it anyway. "Hi" I threw a light smile on my face to lighten the mood, "Hello" he greeted with minor excitement.

Opening the door fully I entered his home, his house was bigger than Levi's. Thanks too Levi I had gotten his address and arrived as early as can be "So you normally come to peoples house without their permission" shutting the door he wondered away somewhere.

"No.. but I wanted to see if everything is okay? I mean with you and Cat" mentioning her name made him ignore my sentence fully.

My hands locked together out of nervousness. He was always so hard to speak too, only if he wasn't speaking to you directly "Yeah why wouldn't they be" he sarcastically said "Well you ran off on her, she told me you seemed mad" the conversation we had before I came here was about how she thought Prince felt.

Cat told me his face turned white and he filled with anger, he must've noticed my annoyance at his ironic words. Hesitant "I'm not mad at Cat, or anyone else who knew. It's that fucker Den. From the first moment I saw his ass I knew he was a dick" tons of cuss words flew from Prince's mouth.

I'd never seen this side of him, Cat was like a sister to him and if anyone ever dared to hurt her I could imagine the lengths he'd go. "I'm sorry I didn't say anything, I just didn't want Cat to hate me" Prince seemed concerned at my sudden sorrow. He traveled to the couch we're I was seated, white leather and a huge fire place.

A cup of rum stood in his hand. A majority of his clothes were taken off, he looked uncomfortable in the suit he was wearing.

"It's okay Gia" his hands caressed my neck. Our faces became closer and the chemistry between else felt strong. The two of us had been in this situation before, we almost made love at one of his photo shoots, he kissed me after the festival, I kissed him at my solo shoot.

We kissed while I was babysitting Eli, and now we were about too now. Our eyes stood connected while he sipped his drink, still locked his set the cup down and tried to come in for my lips "No" I shouted loudly. He flinched at my shouting, confused as well.

His eyebrows furrowed "What the hell is your problem bitch" he called me a name I promised myself if any man called me I'd gut them. "Bitch?" I scoffed. "What is wrong with you? Huh? Your always resisting me" he stood on his feet. His face full of heat "Because Prince I just can't."

"So? Is it because Cat? It's like you hate me or something. Your always trying to get rid of me or go somewhere other than where I am. You push me away when all I wanna do is be with you Gia." Confessing his feelings. I was overwhelmed, maybe he was right.

I found myself always trying to push him away. My eyes filled with tears at his loud shouting "you vex me Prince" he came at me which made me a bit scared at first but settled me with a forceful kiss. He pushed me on the couch while locked "not anymore" his kisses deepened.

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