[1]A Stranger You Gave A Second Glance

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Romance finds itself blossoming in the oddest and most obscure locations, similar to the way a dandelion will bloom in between the cracks of the sidewalk. And just as the pedestrians avoid the miniature plant, others outside of said romance do not dare touch the rare romance, for its build fragile and its promise not yet there.

Killua, a sophomore journalism major, found romance with Noah, a senior engineering major. They've been going strong for about three years now. The dandelion stands strong, ready to sprout little wish wisps of promise any day soon.

"Killua." His classmate and friend Nathan, addressed him. "If I threw a quinceañera for my upcoming birthday, would that take away from the cis-passing male thing I've got going on?"

"What— Nat, you are literally twenty. Plus, isn't that like, for girls?" Killua answered, honestly dumbfounded.

"Well, yeah, hence the comment on passing. I still have boobs, I can wear a dress. I'd look damn good in it too." He snickered.

"Then you'd have a dysphoria-centered mental breakdown and skip school for like a week, give or take, and you don't have any more sick days available for work."

"Dude, you are so right!" Nathan laughed as if he hadn't proposed the quinceañera idea earlier. "This is why I consult you before doing stuff, I remember now!"

"Yeah, dumbfuck." Killua scoffed. "On that topic anyway, Noah's birthday is coming up; What should we do?"


"Ha-ha." Killua glared with a sarcastic laugh. "Now, for real."

"I meant it; literally nothing." Nathan shrugged. "You do realize that your relationship is shit, right?"

"It's not shit, Nathan, you're just an eensy weensy bit upset that your last relationship failed. No offense, but you're not the right person to give love advice to."

"Bitch— Look, I love you, Killua, I do. But it's just not fun being your friend anymore; and before you misconstrue my words, I mean you just never have time for me anymore. Like, dude, we've been friends since we were in elementary. Now you're like, 'Ooh, la la! Engineering senior is my hubby!' He's not a good guy. Not to mention, he's a lot older than you."

"I— I'll make time for you again. I didn't know it bothered you. You should've said something."

"Good, 'cause I need your help with homework this weekend. You know, after dear old Noah's birthday." Nathan stopped at his class doorway. "Look, I'll bet you...four grand—"

"That's a lot of fucking money."

"I know, I meant what I said." He rolled his eyes. "Four grand that you'll catch feelings for someone else by next month."

"Whatever illegal money you have, you better be willing to hand it over. I'm not giving you a dime of my trust fund." Killua snickered. "I'll see ya later, dude. Love you."

"Love you too."

Killua continued down the building's corridor, dragging his feet and looking down at his phone screen. He had plenty of time before the start of his class (which was around five minutes), so he lingered at the side of the doorway, scrolling through assignment after assignment, occasionally switching to other tabs for entertainment.

"Hey." Noah greeted Killua. "So, I'm gonna spend my birthday with the boys. You didn't have anything planned, did you?"

Noah always greeted Killua with his group of friends in the background. All obnoxiously boisterous and pissy and far from Killua's cup of tea.

"Ah...No, I--I was just talking to Finn about my lack of ideas, so... Maybe this for the better." Killua laughed awkwardly.

"Great!" Noah grinned. "Well, anyway, I was thinking of..."

Again, Killua tuned out the voice of his boyfriend, ignoring all his rants about grades and birthday plans. His eyes went everywhere but where they should be, which was on his boyfriend. The floor, the ceiling, the classroom doorway, the faces of every friend listening in on Noah's rants, and a particularly unfamiliar face in the bunch.

Barely staring for more than half a second, said friend locked eyes with Killua. His blood ran cold with pure embarrassment as he averted his eyes and continued to look around, contemplating whether or not the unfamiliar friend was still staring at him or in the direction of him. He, unfortunately, didn't have the confidence to do much but avoid eye contact again.

"Well, that's it." Noah patted Killua's shoulder, done ranting. "I'll call you tonight, okay?"

"Mhm." Killua nodded, pulled back to reality. "Yeah, okay, talk later."

As Noah and his group of friends walked away, Killua sighed. The anxiety caused by just being around the friends of his boyfriend is unimaginably innumerable and incomparable to any other anxiety Killua's ever experienced.

Again Killua locked eyes with the same unfamiliar face in the group of friends. Instead of just awkwardly staring or looking away, the guy gave a slight head nod in Killua's direction. Friendly, not threatening, not obnoxious, nor boisterous. Not like the rest of Noah's friends.

Killua waved like a dork and watched as they turned away and turned the corner.

Killua headed the rest of the way to his dorm to ponder to the second glance exchanged between them as complete strangers.

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