CH 21 || To Look Death In The Face

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The aftermath.

Not beta read, but still enjoy!
Reminder !! Look at the following clearly for I will be using them to indicate speech of different languages:
These are indicators that they are speaking Malay
These are indicators that they are speaking Japanese
" These are indicators that they are speaking English "

「 Were you able to sleep, Midoriya? 」 Todoroki asked.

Was he okay? Absolutely not. Last night was a horror-filled evening that sent him and his friends to the Hosu General Hospital. What would've happened if their teacher didn't arrive was something they avoided thinking about.

​​「 No, not really. 」 Izuku replied, sighing, as he fiddled with his thumbs. Todoroki nodded, understanding the greenet's feelings a little bit. ​​「 I didn't think so. Me neither. 」

Izuku looked at the hospital bed across from him, his brows furrowing, as he watched the silent form of BoBoiBoy. 「 BoBoiBoy still hasn't woken up yet, has he? 」 His voice etched in concern, praying that the brunet would be okay. Todoroki followed his gaze, the sight seemed to affect him a lot, but he kept a neutral face. ​​「 The doctors said he should be waking up anytime now... 」

Leaning against his bed's headboard, Izuku stared at the ceiling as he reminisced at what he and his friends had done. ​​「 Thinking about it now, we did something crazily amazing, huh? 」 Izuku muttered. Todoroki nodded in agreement as Izuku continued. 「 Seeing an ending like that really makes you feel like it's a miracle we're alive. With my leg like this, he probably could've killed us if he'd wanted to. 」

​​「 Yeah. We were obviously left alive on purpose. 」 Todoroki said, turning towards Iida, who was across from him. ​​「 You're amazing to have been able to face him after all the murderous intent directed at you. 」

Iida shook his head slightly. ​​「 No, that's not it. I... 」 The spectacled teen trailed off as the door of their hospital room slid open to reveal Gran Torino and Manual. ​​「 Oh, are you wounded kids awake? 」 The elder pro hero said as Izuku and Iida called out to their respective mentors.

​​「 Not all of us... 」 Todoroki muttered, glancing over at BoBoiBoy's sleeping form. Gran Torino nods, giving them a sympathetic look before walking over to Izuku's bedside. ​​「 Kid, I've got a lot of complaints for you. 」 Izuku straightens up, fumbling with his apology that the elder puts on hold. ​​「 But before that, you've got a visitor. 」

The three students lit up when they saw their teacher walk in, followed by slight confusion and surprise when an anthropomorphic dog in a tidy suit entered. 「 Hosu's chief of police, Kenji Tsuragamae. 」 Gran Torino introduced. Todoroki and Iida stood up to show their respect while Izuku attempted to do so as well but was stopped by the chief. 「 Oh, you can just stay seated, woof. 」

Woof . . .?!

​​「 You must be the UA students who stalled the hero killer until Eraser Head arrived, right? 」 The chief clarified to which Todoroki responded affirmatively. Why was the chief of police here, they wondered.

​​「 Regarding the hero killer we arrested... 」


BoBoiBoy returns to the world of consciousness and is immediately greeted by bouts of yelling — of which sounded awfully like Shouto's.

​​「 Goodness, what are you being taught by UA and Endeavor, woof? 」 He heard someone say.

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