Day 1 | Chapter 1

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I remember standing in front of the doors as the wind tossed my hair around, thinking 'What the heck have I gotten myself into?' The large, wooden doors  had chips and cracks all up and down displaying their age. I brushed my fingers across the golden door handle before taking a firm grip and pushing the door open. The lobby was dark and dusty. The room was very dark. None of the lights had been turned on. I could only see about three feet in front of me before the light was overtaken by the darkness. 

"Hello?" I asked to see if anyone else was there.

I had signed up a month prior with my friend Kate to go into the old Vertex Resort. We weren't told why, just that they needed eight volunteers. I'm not sure how she managed to talk me into it but there we were. The green carpet smelled like dust and the lobby was very dirty. The lights came on overhead and I could see most of the lobby since several bulbs had burned out. I shut the door behind me and stepped inside more. The desk where you would check in was covered in cobwebs and dust bunnies were scattered over it. I didn't know who turned the lights on, but I was glad they did. There were couches and chairs all arranged by a fireplace. They had plastic coverings on them to keep them from getting dirty. The wallpaper on the walls was ugly and peeling. The green was fading and the smell was wretched.

"Hey." Someone said, making me jump.

I looked to the stairs to see a man. He was tall and strong, very handsome. He walked down the stairs towards me.

"I'm guessing you're here as a volunteer as well?" He asked.

I nodded my head. He took a step forward and I moved back on instinct. It wasn't that I didn't like him, people I didn't know were very scary to me.

"I'm Gabriel." He said sticking a hand out.

I looked at him and told myself it wasn't going too bad. I had to get to know him sooner or later. I'd be staying in this hotel with him and seven other people for at least two weeks.

"Calypso." I said, hesitantly shaking his hand.

My mom had always apologized for my name. She said that I was shy because I was cursed with a name that means 'she who hides'. I didn't mind, I thought my name was pretty.

"Beautiful name." Gabriel complimented.

"Thank you." I said in a small voice. The door opened with a loud creaking that made me jump.

"You're too jumpy for this." Kate said as she stepped through the door.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

She gave me a disapproving look.

"No apologies." She scolded.

"Sorry." I said as she hugged me.

"Are you excited?" She asked.

"No." She smiled at my answer.

"Well it's going to be super fun, and maybe you'll leave with a few new friends."

I nodded and turned back to Gabriel, who was watching us with a smile on his face.

"Hi, I'm Kate." Kate said, stretching her hand out.

"I'm Gabriel." He said shaking her hand. "Do either of you know why we're doing this?" Gabriel asked.

I shook my head and Kate did the same. That was the question of the night, why were we there? The door opened again and a tall blonde walked in. She smiled and set down the three bags she'd been carrying.

"Hello, I'm Charity." She said, flipping her long blonde hair over her shoulder. 

We all greeted her but she brushed past Kate and I and walked over to Gabriel. They struck up a conversation while Kate and I walked outside to get our bags. I walked down the path and to the old concrete walkway I had parked my car by. I pulled the keys out of my jean pocket and unlocked the small, blue car. I walked to the back and opened the trunk. The sky was cloudy and slowly getting dark. I could feel that the sun was setting, only the clouds made it impossible to be sure. It looked like it was going to rain so I quickly grabbed my suitcase and walked back to the door. As I made it inside I heard another car pull up. I looked back to see two girls get out of the car. Kate had beaten me inside and had taken the coverings off of some of the furniture and was sitting by herself checking her phone. I walked over to her and sat down by her on the couch. The red fabric was squishy and a bit uncomfortable.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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