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———   Five ———

The following day, Dahlia stayed off to herself on the tour bus while the group enjoyed their time together. She was sitting in a lounge chair not too far from them and a few of their friends, watching them play beer pong with a few others. She didn't want to talk to anyone. Or be around anyone. Learning about Michael's history with women upset her. Dahlia didn't want to be seen as a doll just like all the other girls before. She wasn't too sure what she wanted him to think of her as, but it wasn't a disposable plastic Barbie. Caring as much as she did about what he thought of her upset her even more.

Alexa took a seat next to her. "Play beer pong with us. It's our thing and you're a part of the group now."

"I'm not really into that. I don't drink much."

She pouted. "Oh, come on, Dahlia. You're the only girl here."

"I've been watching."

"Watching the experience isn't the same as participating in the experience. Plus it's just beer. Nothing compared to the other shit the guys do. Well, the guys minus Michael. He's more seclusive. He kind of sits back and watches. Usually high as a kite with a girl on his arm."

"Usually? So, he's always high?"

"Depends on what you mean by always. Michael's high every day, but not all day. He can't afford to. He controls the band. He created it, makes business decisions, and writes all of the music. There's no band without him. The guys are his bitches, basically."

Dahlia laughed. "Well, you're his bitch as well since you're a part of the band now."

"Oh, I'll tell him off before he tells me what to do. If anything, you're his bitch."

She gave her a sour look. "I am not his anything."

"Mhm." Alexa simply hummed. "Let's go."

Not too soon after she stood by Alexa, she felt Michael's arms wrap around her. "You're going to get awfully drunk if you're on Alexa's team. She sucks at beer pong. You should come out with me instead."

Dahlia turned her head to look at him, intrigued. "Out where?"

"You'll find out when I take you." He said with a half-smile. "It's around the corner. I'll bring your favorite guitar."

Alexa walked to Michael and smacked his arm. "No way, I just got her to come play and you're stealing her away, you imbecile!"

Michael laughed. "Why am I an imbecile? She's my girl, not yours."

"She's mine, too. Hand her over."

"I'm not an object, you two." Dahlia chimed in. "How about we go out to shop tomorrow, Alexa? I'll be more comfortable doing that than beer pong."

"Fine, whatever." Alexa sourly said before returning to the table.

Dahlia frowned. She felt awful for hurting her feelings. She almost called her back to apologize, but Michael stopped her in her tracks.

"Don't worry about her, Dahlia. She's upset now, but trust me she will smother you with her excitement about shopping tomorrow morning." Michael said, rolling his eyes. He took off his leather jacket and placed it over her shoulders. "Let's go, Doll."

Dahlia and Michael took a short walk in the breezy night to a lover's leap that overlooked the city. He guided her to a spot near a great oak tree and took a seat on the grassy land.

"The city looks beautiful from here. What's special about this place?" Dahlia curiously asked.

"It's another place I escaped to when I was a kid. After school, I'd come here and play my guitar for hours. I haven't been back for seven years."

"This specific location or San Francisco altogether?"

"San Francisco. We don't play in this city, but I found out a social services agency that helps abused and neglected children needs funding to stay open so I organized a benefit concert for tomorrow."

Dahlia was surprised to hear about Michael's humanitarian effort. She was starting to see past the mysterious aura that he possessed. "I think that's pretty amazing, Michael. Have you always loved children?"

"Love is a strong word. I don't love the annoying imbeciles, but I don't like to hear they suffer either. It's a paradox I don't understand myself."

"Imbeciles is an interesting word to describe kids." She laughed. "I understand your annoyance with them, though. Kids aren't for everybody. You need to have a lot of patience and tolerance for them. I love my kids, but they can work my last nerve."

"Why did you choose to teach kids? Why not adults?"

"Children can have some trouble expressing themselves, so I wanted to teach them how to do it with art. What about you? What influenced you to choose the life of a rock star?"

"Ralph, David, and John. I went through a lot of shit growing up. I started doing drugs in high school to escape the reality I was suffering from, but it wasn't enough. The high didn't last long and the habit was pricy. Like I told you before, I self-taught myself electric guitar and created the band to make music as a new escape. It made up for what drugs didn't do for me. It was meant to stay between us, but the guys begged me to book events after three years. We did one event and for some reason, we rose to fame. So, I guess I owe our success to them."

"It still amazes me you self-taught yourself to play as good as you do. I really love the solo you always play for me."

"Oh, yeah? It's good you said that." He said before going into the back pocket of his jeans to pull out a CD. "Made this for you earlier today. It's your solo. Now you can play it whenever you want."

Dahlia smiled brightly at him. "Michael, thank you. This means so much to me."

"You're welcome, Sweet Pea. It's nice to see you happy. You were sad earlier. Why's that?"

Dahlia contemplated telling him what Alexa said. She didn't want to cause any conflict in their band because she, a newcomer that wouldn't be thought of twice once the month was over, was upset about how he may view her.

"I wasn't sad, just tired."

"Don't lie, Doll." He softly said. "Tell me what's up with you. I promise to keep it between us."

"Alexa said that you play with girls like dolls, throw them away when you get bored, and sometimes go in the recycle bin to pick them up again."

Michael was astounded. "When did she say this?"

"When we were at the club. I don't think she meant any harm. It's idiotic to even be upset by it."

"Don't downplay your feelings. It's not idiotic. She's the one who's a fucking idiot." He muttered. "I call you Doll because you're as pretty as one. Not because I see you as an object to play with. You're my sweet Black Dahlia. I wouldn't treat you like that."

Dahlia wasn't sure if he was being truthful or telling her what she wanted to hear. She didn't know if it was smart to wait around to see. All she knew is she loved the high she got when being around him and didn't want to give it up anytime soon.

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