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Welcome to the M&H Cover Shop. We create covers for fun and enjoyment and for you to use on Wattpad!

This chapter is all about the rules, basics and a bit about our cover making business.

So first we just want to let you know who we are. We are MoreMillella and 5_Seconds_Of_Phan0. You can call Millella M and 5_Seconds_Of_Phan0, H. We both know each other through school and have known each other for around 7 years.

We joined Wattpad in July/August 2014. We started cover making in probably January 2015. As of October 2015, we have been running this cover shop. Of course our covers have improved through that time so if you would like a more accurate example of our works, look at our most recent covers.

We create covers and premades. If you are unaware what a premade is, a premade is a cover which is made without a request. If a reader likes it and has a new story idea to go with it, they can use the premade.

At our cover shop, there are a few rules and other things which you may want to know  which we will list below.

-We will take 1-4 days to create your cover.

-If we take longer than that, please bear with us, we do have a life outside of Wattpad.

-Please only request a cover if you will use it.

-Please use your cover for at least a week. These covers aren't exactly easy to make. They take up our time and we would appreciate it if you used the covers.

-Please either follow both of us or dedicate us if you do use our works.

-If you specifically want one of us to create your cover, just let us know.

-If you dislike your cover, we can redo it a maximum of two times.

-Be polite.

If you have any questions, you can PM...

-This account.

We hope you consider using our cover shop to create a cover for your book on Wattpad. In the following chapter, we will explain how to request a cover and any further details you may need to know.

Feel free to also check out our Twitter account in which we feature our works : https://mobile.twitter.com/MHwattpadCovers

We also have an Instagram account (mhcoverswattpad) where we also feature our works.

If you read this and go to our Instagram or Twitter, DM us saying : I like cheese and your covers.

M&H CoversWhere stories live. Discover now