part 6⅐⁸ⁿ∅

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Minah walks into tealive to buy some tap water. She ordered it and go to the table to wait. When mina's drink arrived, she saw a handsome yet BAPAK HENSEM SIAL man. Mina looked at his nametag "Izana" she worded. Izana says kat mina, "heres your drink ;)" minah fall in leb woth izana so minah asked his number 😜😜😜

When minah got home, minah received a text from an unknown number. "Hello pretty :)" they both chatted for a long period of time. Little did they know they are falling in lobe

kaki aku gatal hel


minah x izana (kalau kau bukan Mina jgn tgk kalaj tak aku henpuk kepalHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin