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there r many minecraft terms in this story. and there are lots of terms in this that i just fucking made up. also ideas that were stolen from the after/last life smps. i will be going through all the details here
note that i am literally only putting this on wattpad bc i just don't wanna stare at the google docs interface anymore. i am not trying to make this story good and comprehensible, nor am i trying to finish it. i am just trying to get it out of my head.

outerworld conch - the equivalent of the chat. looking inside the conch will tell/show you all the things that youd normally see in a minecraft chat: announcements from "server admins" or in this case empire leaders, deaths, and draining curse announcements!!

draining curse - this was stolen from the last life series. the draining curse surfaces every time there's no moon in the night sky. whenever you get the draining curse, you have to 1) take someone's life and 2) admit to it. if you don't kill someone by the next lunar cycle, you automatically become an asher

asher - a person who is on their last life. ashers are not allowed to form alliances and, if they're in an alliance when they become an asher, they have to leave asap. can't pack up their shit or anything. just have to go out into the woods.

lives - on conception into the World, each person has between 2 to 6 lives. these lives can be exchanged using contracts. every time someone dies and loses a life, they also lose the biggest aspiration they had in their life. for example, if i lived my whole life wanting to be a corporate overlord and then died? in the next life, i would hate capitalism with a burning passion. as it should be. this causes many people to move out of their homes, leave their formerly loved ones behind, and sometimes even turn violent. this is the reason why ashers are forbidden by heavenly law to be, like, anywhere. you can't even make illegal safe havens for them you Will get smited by god

the command - commands like in minecraft yk. kinda obvious

cloudrest wars - you know bedwars? Yeah. that but spicy

cloudrest chasm - a destroyed, chaotic wasteland that is exempt from most of the heavenly principles. such as gravity. this is where kai resides

heavenly principles - basically the Big Law

note that the characters here r absolutely not representative of / accurate to the real people they are based on. actually it's been a long time since ive talked to some people and im just including their names because they're nostalgic
anyways have fun reading . and good luck trying to decipher all the lore ive invented !!!!

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