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      She sat on the ledge of the two-leg bridge listening to the rapid sounds of the gorge rushing over rocks, as snowflakes began to fall it was freezing but oddly enough calming. One of their large ears twitched, hearing soft paw-steps behind them getting louder and louder, she calmly turned her head around believing it was one another of the two-leg kits, but it wasn't, it was the WindClan warrior TigerStrike. She quickly leaped down from the ledge and hardly missed TigerStrikes attack, she leaped high in the air and swiftly turned and landed onto TigerStrikes back raking his spine, the cold leaf-bare air must've covered his scent, WindClan had obviously planned their attack beforehand, and sent their "Most skilled" warrior for a reason, it should be easy to get rid of them she thought to herself. She was too lost in her thoughts to notice TigerStrike already had planned his next move, as he flew through the air he landed on her blood still trickling from his back, he was already weak. He raked her eye with his front claw, and bent down to bight her neck. She quickly rolled from under him still bleeding from her face. He leaped at her from her blind side while she was still catching her breath from the previous attack, she hardly dodged the attack and then more cats came out, Briar Tail, Cow Pelt, and the WindClan leader Golden'Star. All backing her against the edge of the bridge she finally understood, there was no way out. It was all planned too  well.. As she began to accept her fate briartail began to stalk closer towards her not even looking back, she uneathed her claws and hurled their self at Fawn'Leap causing the both of them to fall of the bridge into the gourge

Fawn'Leap  took a final gasp for air before being plunged into the freezing water. Her eye still bleeding, not being able to see out of it only made it harder to find something to grab onto or find a shore. She struggled through the water a bit, but being a former RiverClan cat made it easier, If she didn't drown or get knocked out by one of the humongous ice chunks first, hypothermia would kill her. She paddled towards a nearby patch of damp land and struggled to pull herself up onto it, finally shivering when leaving the cold water, freezing water, ice, and leaf-bare are not a good mix. She collapsed onto the riverbank once pulling herself up. This was it, she was going to die by her own kin, her own daughter.

This is my first time wrighting a story, I know it's short and updates are slow but I'm going to try my best!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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