With Bated Breath

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Rey is coming to him. He can feel it. Her signature in the Force is growing stronger, her very presence growing brighter, louder in his head. 

Why? Why is Rey coming here? Is she insane? 

Well, he's pretty much established that she's…eccentric. Which draws him to her like a moth to a flame. 

Doesn't she realize how completely dangerous this is? Why is she coming here

He reaches for her through their bond. 

What are you doing, Rey? 

She immediately shuts him off. She's still there, he can all but feel her breathing, feel her heart beating in tune with his own. 

But she doesn't answer him. 

Kylo rubs the tips of his fingers together, still feeling her skin against his, like a tattoo. She'd reached out to him earlier today. Him. Rey was upset and for some crazy reason, reached out for him

Rey is being quite reckless lately. Ben doesn't know why. However as much as it confuses him, he'll be there for her in her recklessness. 

For whatever she needs. He'll be there. 

He meant it when he'd said she wasn't alone. 

She had wanted him to know about the cave. Rey wanted him to know that she'd had this life altering experience. She was with Luke, he knew she was. Why didn't she go to this master she'd so yearned for? 

Why did she beacon for him through their shared connection?

He'll find out soon enough. 

An alarm sounds. She's approaching. 

Kylo holds his hand up to the crew behind the control panel. 

"But sir," an officer protests. 

"Do not fire," Kylo growls. If anyone even so much as moves to harm her, he'll take out this entire deck. 

No one will hurt her. Not anymore. 

"They aren't answering our hail," the officer informs him. Kylo doesn't like the tone of the officer's voice. 

"This one's for me, do you understand?" he tells the officer. The young man pales in fear. He knows what the Knight is capable of. 

"Yes, sir," he replies with a shaky voice. 

Kylo turns to the viewport, still watching. 


No response. Not surprising. Only, there's not much in the way of her breathing, not like earlier. 


Still nothing. 

Rey, talk to me. Your breathing is funny. I don't know why you are here and you may be angry but let me hear you. 

Her heart rate is erratic. Not the smooth beats in time with his like before. 

"Lock onto the shuttle, bring it in."

Kylo gives the order while at the same time moving towards the opening in the bay. Something isn't right. Even when Rey ignores him, she still leaves the bond open enough so he knows she's safe. 

This time, he can't even feel that. 

As her escape pod, which he recognizes immediately as one from his father's ship, lands before him, Kylo is pulling off his helmet. 

With Bated Breath Where stories live. Discover now