Chapter 1- A New Career Path

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Tubbo and Tommy were sat chatting around the table in Tommy's basement, once again discussing their money situation. They had for a long time been low on cash, but they were getting to the edge now. 
-What do we do Tommy?! Tubbo asked and let out a sigh. 
-You know, I had this business idea, Tommy began saying, but Tubbo interrupted him before he could finish the sentence.
-No! Not another business idea, not after Tubbo bath water, Tubbo stated. Tubbo bath water had been a huge fail, but we're not gonna go into that now. 
-What do we do then? Tommy asked. He started scratching his forehead while trying to come up with another idea. You see, Tommy was the type of person who came up with many ideas- but few who ended up actually working. On the other side of the table Tubbo was staring out of the window, deep into his thoughts. Then he suddenly got an idea. 

-Tommy! I know what we should do! Tubbo excitedly said. Tommy looked at him with a doubtful look in his eyes. 
-What? Tommy emotionlessly asked. Another thing about Tommy was that he really disliked when other people came up with better ideas than him. 
-We should start robbing people! Tubbo suggested. Tommy immediately lit up and got an excited look in his eyes.
-I know what we should do! Rob people! he repeated. 
-That's literally what I just said, Tubbo confusingly said. Tommy ignored his comment. 
-Holy shit, I'm so smart, Tommy said and shook his head. 
-You are! Tubbo agreed. He decided to let this one slide. He had known Tommy for a long time, and knew that he needed the credits for this one. The next day they started planning their first crime. 

-So we need something that's worth a lot, Tubbo stated. Tommy nodded and started stroking his non-existent beard, like a true criminal would. 
-Oh and also! If we're gonna be criminals we need to put it in our twitter bios, Tubbo added. 
-You're right Tubbo, Tommy answered. A few minutes later they both had changed their twitter bios to "incredibly influential criminal". They then went back to planning their crimes. 
-I know! We should rob the therapy office, Tommy suggested. Tubbo looked doubtful. 
-Why would we need therapy? Tubbo confusingly asked. 
-Oh, you're right Tubbo. Our mental state is completely fine, he answered, like he hadn't been scrolling through tiktok the whole day. 
-But what we actually could do is rob Badboyhalo, Tubbo instead suggested. 
-That's perfect! You're so smart, my boy, Tommy answered and excitedly clapped his hands. Now, the only thing they had left to do was to perform the actual crime. 

The next day they dressed up in all green, to be able to blame Dream if anyone saw them. 
-You ready, Tubbs? Tommy asked and looked down on the plan he had written down. 

1. Tell Bad that someone swore at Tommy's house. 

2. Wait for him to leave.

3. Break in and steal everything you see.

4. Run away and hide it in the secret bunker.

According to him it was a flawless plan, but some might say otherwise. 
-Always! Tubbo answered with a big smile. A few minutes later they saw Bad leave the house. 

-Let's go! Tommy said. The boys sneaked up behind Bad, and gave each other a dodgy look. 
-Hey Bad, someone swore at my house, Tommy said. Bad looked at him with a confused look in his eyes. Tommy tried to add some fake crying, but it ended up as a very terrifying sight. Bad gave him a doubtful look and turned away to leave. 
-And they're hurt! Tubbo added. Fear started growing in Bad's eyes. 
-Are you Muffin me? Don't worry, I'll immediately go and check up on them, Bad assured them. He then rushed to Tommy's house as quickly as he could. 

-Come on, let's go Tubbo! Tommy said. They both ran up to the front door of Bad's huge mansion. But of course, it was locked.
-What do we do now? Tubbo doubtfully asked. Tommy thought about it for a while.
-Did you bring your axe? he then asked Tubbo, who replied with a nod
-May I borrow it? Tommy then followed up with. Tubbo confusingly handed Tommy the axe, wondering what he was gonna do. Tommy, without thinking it through, started stabbing the door with the axe. Tubbo surprisingly watched as his companion created an entrance for them. When he was finished he dropped the axe on the floor and looked at Tubbo, filled with pride
-Not exactly what I expected, but sure it'll work, Tubbo said with shock in his voice. He then stepped over what was left of the door and entered the mansion. 

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