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"Are you really going to let this guy tell us to
NEVER eat something again? C'mon, have a spine!!"
- Sincerely, Your Fat Thinking Pig
IMPORTANT: Despite what your Pig may say, nobody is telling you
what to do. In fact, that's the whole point.
Until now you've allowed the Pig to impose its will as if you were its
slave. The information in this section gives YOU the power to make
permanent decisions without the Pig's pernicious influence. The moment
you put even one Never in your Food Rules, you've begun to cage the
Always is Never's best friend. Defining some things you will ALWAYS do
- and acting on these commitments - will give you even more
confidence in your ability to cage the Pig.
Yes ALWAYS - you know, as in every day for the rest of your life.
Your 'Always' list can include general self-care in addition to food specific
behaviors. For example, maybe you always start the day with a glass of
water. Or maybe you always shower in the evening to help you get to
sleep without extra food. Maybe you always meditate, exercise, or make
fresh vegetable juice.
Maybe you always eat an apple before lunch...
Or maybe you don't always do anything.
Whatever you put here, just remember "always" and "never" are
sacred vows. They become something the Pig can't assail, no matter how
hard it tries, because the motives behind any Squeal suggesting an
exception will be recognized immediately.
But as soon as you declare an intention which interferes with the
Pig's yummy Binges, it will begin trying hard to defeat you. That's its job.
You see, the Pig genuinely believes it will die without its precious stuff.
But you will prevail as long as you remember the Pig Squeals are not
your own thinking.
For example, suppose you always drink 16 ounces of purified water
when you wake up in the morning. Always! As soon as you

"You can't say ALWAYS! How could you ever know that? One

morning you'll wake up and forget. Or maybe you just won't feel

like it. Some mornings you simply won't have the time. Then

you'll have broken your silly vow. These ridiculous rules

obviously don't matter since you can't possibly stick with them.

We might as well just go BINGE!" -Sincerely, Your Pig

To prevail, you need only dismiss this as Pig Squeal.

Don't argue with the Pig.

Don't try to win a rational debate.

You don't need to, because the Pig is powerless to do anything

without your consent. If the Pig could act on its own behalf it would

immediately do so without asking. The very fact it talks at all proves its

only hope is to convince you with its lies.

All that's necessary is to ignore it.

Notwithstanding this, let's dispute its points one by one, just to show

you how ridiculous the Pig's arguments can be:

"You can't possibly mean 'Always'. Nobody

can ever know what they're always going to do!"

This is the Pig's first attempt to pull the wool over your eyes. It says "You

can't always do anything!" What a negative, confidence-destroying

message. Would you ever tell a young child: "Listen little Bobby, there's

NO hope of remembering to brush your teeth, tie your shoes, and get

dressed all by yourself every day. Just get that idea out of your head. You

might as well just give up and accept you'll be a dependent little child the

rest of your life... no matter what the big boys do."

Of course you wouldn't! Then why let the Pig talk to you that

way? The truth is there are many, many things people ALWAYS

do daily...

They turn off their alarm

Roll out of bed

Pee in the toilet

Brush their teeth


You can add one more ALWAYS anytime you want!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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