my first love, and my last (mitobe)

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mitobe's pov

    i first met y/n when we were 9 years old. we were all playing on the playground, as one does at that age, when an older kid started picking on a little boy. y/n was the only one who stuck up for him. it was then that i knew i would always love them.

    fast forward to our first year of high school. we both decide to go to this new school seirin. they encouraged me and koganei to join the basketball team. they were always with me, helping me every step of the way. one night when i stayed late to practice they were there. i was so frustrated with myself, why couldn't i get this move right? then they looked at me with those dazzling eyes and crooked smile and reminded me that i could do this and they would always be here to help me, that they would never leave. i couldn't take it anymore. i love them. they must know that i do. i grabbed their cheek and put my lips of theirs. they kissed back. y/n leaned back and smiled, "took you long enough."

    we were now at the end of our third year in high school and my love for y/n only grew. we spent every waking moment together. they helped me study, practice basketball, and watch my siblings. they stayed true to what they said. they stayed by my side. graduation was coming up and everyone was excited, especially y/n. they got into their dream school of course they were overjoyed, but what does that mean for us? i don't want to hold them back but i don't want to lose them either. i don't know what i'm gonna do. it is graduation day and the room is buzzing. y/n comes over and touches my shoulder, "are you ready my love?" i nod my head and they grab my hand leading me to our seats. after the ceremony y/n pulls me away from everyone to talk, "rin i know everything is going to be different now that our lives are changing and we won't be going to the same school, but i can't lose you, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. mitobe rinnosuke will you marry me?" i'm in shock. i never thought this would be the way it was gonna happen, but i could never say no. i nodded smiling and they pulled me into a tight hug, "promise me you'll wait for me?" forever. i kiss them passionately. not letting go till there was no longer air in my lungs. i cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

    it's been four years. i got to see them a little bit in their first year, but then they got to busy to visit. we still kept our promises to one another. even though i couldn't see them they wrote me the most beautiful letters to keep me going. it's been four years, and today i'm finally able to see my lover. i wait in the airport holding a welcome home sign. i'm looking everywhere for them but they're nowhere to be seen. then i catch a glimpse of them, they're still as beautiful as the day they left, their hair is only slightly shorter now. they catch sight of me and i can see a fire ignite in their eyes. they start barreling towards me and jump into my arms. i nearly collapsed from the sudden impact. i smiled and kissed them. i held them like if i let go they would disappear. i won't let them leave again. "don't worry my love i'm never leaving you again."

    we're 25 now with a baby on the way. we got married last spring, y/n's favorite season. we're going to name the baby hanaka, for she was conceived in spring. y/n is a writer and i am a photographer. my favorite thing to photograph is them, they are my favorite thing. while y/n is pregnant i tend to their every need, and after hanaka is born i look after both of them. they both mean everything to me. the next couple of years we have more kids, i've always wanted a big family like i grew up in. we made sure all of our children felt equally loved by us. y/n was still my muse but now i had more to add to the picture. even though we are getting older y/n and i are still madly in love, we still dance in the kitchen and kiss under the moonlight like we used to. i could never stop loving them.

    so many years have passed. our children have grown up and made lives of their own but we're are still here, together like always. you still want to dance in the kitchen and kiss under the moonlight but my body had gone weary and old, but you know i'd do anything for you. as the days go on it's harder for me to get up and out of bed, but you always help me. i've been seeming to forget things more often like my keys, my wallet, my first daughters name. despite your pleas our children put me in a home, although it's probably for the best as you are getting older too and it's getting harder for you to take care of me. you visit me everyday. we sit in the garden and you tell me stories of our youth. how i wish i could remember but don't worry love i could never forget you.

y/n's pov

    rins condition worsens everyday, i'm afraid he won't last much longer. i walk into his room and see him lying in his bed, i grab his hand. he looks at my through lidded eyes and he tries to communicate but i hush him, "be still my love. see i kept my promise, i'm staying with you till the very end." i watch his breath turn ragged and slow to halt. tears fall from my eyes as i say, "goodnight my love, i'll see you again someday."

1034 words 🤭
anyways that was lowkey painful to write and took way too much effort.
i hope you enjoyed the first story there will be more to come.
let me know how you feel about it in the comments.

• elvira •

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