Author's Note/Main Character Introduction

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Hello! This is Ash! So this is going to be a... drumroll please? No? Okay. Memory Loss AU! I'll try to update whenever I can and I apologize if the story makes no sense at all as this is my first fic!

Konoha Akinori origin:

Konoha had always had loving parents, he was an only child and was his parent's pride and joy... until the accident. While on their way to his middle school volleyball game, they were in a fatal car accident resulting in both of their deaths. After that Konoha was supposed to be put into Foster care, however, his best friend since 4th grade, Akaashi Keiji who was a year younger than him, parents adopted him.

Bokuto Koutarou origin:

Bokuto had grown up in a decently wealthy family. He had two sisters, Sora and Katsou, and was the only son. Money had never been a problem for Bokuto, and despite assumptions, he was incredibly humble about it. He helped his friends wherever he could. During his 2nd year in high school, he met his now boyfriend, Akaashi Keiji, who was his setter in volleyball. They were meant for each other, you tell just by the way Bokuto looked at Akaashi how much he loved him. After graduation Bokuto and Konoha decided to take a year break before starting college to wait for Akaashi. His parents helped him move into a decent sized apartment (of course he helped pay for it with his job cause he felt bad).

Akaashi Keiji origin:

Similar to Konoha, Akaashi was an only child. Akaashi was labeled as "emotionless" since a young age because of his monotonous voice and dull voice and personality. However, Akaashi just had built up walls to prevent getting too close to people, he saw how easily other people's friendships could be ruined and he didn't want to deal with that. He was always the top of his class, and the most responsible one. Akaashi never wanted to make friends until Konoha started following him everywhere because apparently he wanted to know the "mysterious kid." Akaashi actually enjoyed his company and decided that maybe he could make an exception. He even joined the volleyball team with Konoha. The two became close friends, and after Konoha's parents died, he moved in with the Akaashis. Konoha loved teasing Akaashi about he was so oblivious to fact that Bokuto and him liked eachother, actually if it weren't for Konoha, they wouldn't have gotten together at all.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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