Chat full of idiots

237 7 4

Doni: I'm going to teach you math
Bionic: why math
Liger: why are we learning on Saturday
Lyinx: because your all are dumb
Doni: says you who failed every single class except for PE
Lyinx: well, uh, how many classes did you pass
Doni: five
Bionic: three
Doni and Lyinx: no one asked you

Lyinx: guys guys guys guys guys
Doni: stop spamming in the chat I'm trying to sleep
Lyinx: I have a question
Doni: what's your stupid question
Lyinx: are you gay?
Doni: you woke me up for this
Lyinx: yes I did wake you up for this
Quiff: shut up Lyinx and let us sleep
Lyinx: NO! Cos then I wouldn't be doing my job
Doni: and what's your job
Lyinx: to be annoying
Doni: sounds about right
Bionic: I need new friends
Lyinx: you think you need new friends
Bionic: yeah
Lyinx: I need new friends
Doni: we all know who needs new friends
Lyinx and Bionic: who, you
Doni: no but Quiff does
Quiff: Noo I need wait what did you just say
Bionic: who is the most famous here
Lyinx: IDK
Doni: bionic is first, I'm second and Lyinx is third
Bionic: you watch our videos!?
Doni: yeah of course
Lyinx: liar
Doni: says the one that said yes I watch your videos but it was a lie
Lyinx: I still don't believe you
Bionic: hi
Doni: hi
Bionic: why do you always reply first
Doni: because I don't want people spamming me and why are you awake
Bionic: couldn't sleep
Doni: oh
Quiff: unlike you we can sleep and we would love if you stop texting on group chat
Bionic and Doni: sorry Quiff
Lyinx: guys I think we should kick someone out
Bionic: I agree
Quiff: let's kick out the least funniest person here
Doni: ok.... So Lyinx
Bionic: yep
Quiff: of course who else
Liger: I'm in let's kick him out
Lyinx: maybe we shouldn't kick anyone out
Doni: ok let's not kick anyone out
*Lyinx has been kicked out of the group chat*
Doni: are you serious I'll get him back in
Quiff: he deserved it
*Lyinx has been added to the group chat*
Lyinx: WTF
Bionic and Quiff: you deserved it
Hi mates, I hope you enjoyed Request are still open have a great day 400 words

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