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The devil.

All these names we call him, but one thing is true- he is the enemy of all believers.

Once an angel but fell from glory all because of pride.

Moral- Pride goeth before a fall.

Wanting to be like God but was resisted by Him and sent to eternal damnation.

Moral- God resists the proud.

Now searching, going to and fro like a roaring lion, seeking whom to devour.

Be vigilant, be watchful for he wouldn't come like a scary monster, in fact he was the most beautiful angel and his name Lucifer means "son of the morning".

He lies, he steals, he deceives.

He is here to tempts us, here to take us with him to hell.

As believers, that is one thing we must never let happen.

We cannot go to hell, we are heaven bound.

But, he who relies on his own strenght shall fail.

We need God, we need His Help and Grace.

We have a blessed assurance,

God alway has an escape route for us from temptation.

He would never give us more than we can handle.

Never be too busy for God. BUSY- "Being Under Satan's Yoke"

Remain with God always because the devil just needs you to take a step out of the covering of God, then he grabs you!

The Heavenly Father would come to our rescue but that is only if we let him.

Moral- let Him.

Lucifer has been Defeated, Dethroned, Disgraced,Destroyed and Disarmed.

He has no power over us unless we attribute his traits such as lying, stealing, deceiving and much more.

Lets not give Lucifer room

Lets not give satan a chance

Lets not allow the devil see us as "easy bait"

Let us put him to shame, he deserves to be put to shame.

He does no good and no good comes from Him.

Remain with God and God alone.

May the Good Lord help us all!


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