poisonleafs backstory

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Poisonleaf was born in Marshclan. She wasn't born with the name Poisonkit. She was called Otterkit. Otterkit had two parents, a mom called Softpetal and a dad called Shadepounce. When Otterkit was 2 almost 3 moons her mother was killed. No one knew who had done it. Otterkit didn't know what was going on at the time she was only a kit. Soon after that had happened her father, Shadepounce, had the leader, Burntstar, announce a naming ceremony for Otterkit. He had decided to rename her to Poisonkit. He had said that the name Otterkit made it seem like she was weak. He wanted a strong daughter not a weakling. Everyday he would treat her badly, not letting her play with the other kits, training her which was against the warrior code because she was too young, just not letting her be a normal kit. Once it came time for her to become an apprentice he asked Burntstar to make her his apprentice and he agreed. He would constantly train her way too hard only letting her rest for only a few minutes. She had new scars every few days. She hated the training, she hated her father. Soon she became a warrior. She got the name Poisonleaf. A few moons later she turned on Shadepounce. She had enough. She told him that she hated him and that she wished that he'd leave. The fight happened in the camp so the clan found out about all the rough training. Shadepounce attacked, clawing her eye. He intended to go for her throat and kill her but missed and got her eye instead. Burntstar had to step in and save her. He chased him off and Shadepounce was exiled from Marshclan. The medicine cat, Sootwhisker, had to rush her to the medicine cat den. She gave her poppy seeds for the pain and chewed up dock leaves and applied them to her wound. Sadly her eye couldn't be saved and she was permanently blind in it. Poisonleaf had vowed to find Shadepounce and kill him for revenge. Everyday she is haunted by the feeling that he could come back. She had nightmares every night. She started becoming worse than him. Killing cats, being rude to her clan mates and starting fights with the other clans. One day she was awoken to a noise outside camp. She went to check it out and she couldn't believe what she found. It was Shadepounce. He was standing there with a smirk on his muzzle. "I'm back" he'd say. Poisonleaf glared at him in disbelief. Without thinking she leaped for his throat ending his life. She glared at his body before turning to go back to Marshclan camp. To this day no one knew about her killing Shadepounce but the clan later found out from a witness to one of her killings who was too scared to speak before had told the clan about the murder. With a lot of pressure on her Poisonleaf confessed to all of the murders she'd done. Burntstar told her to leave and never come back and she did so. To this day no one knows whether or not she was alive or dead. The other clans were warned about her and were told to keep an eye out for her.


Hope you enjoyed :3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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