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1. Roleplay my crush, I'll roleplay yours.

And try and keep the amount the same, I can understand slipping up a couple of times, but if you do it every response, it gets a bit annoying. I won't stop replying but I'll put less detail in your side.

2. Don't be OP
Yeah, this should be simple. You can't come out every fight unscathed and beat anyone with zero difficulty. And your oc can't be in the spotlight all the time, leave some room for my oc and the canon characters.

3. No bullying
Just don't bully anyone, okay? That should be simple enough. It's against Wattpad's rule, so it shouldn't be difficult.

4. LGBTQ+ characters are allowed
My main OC is bisexual and crushing on someone of the same gender, so, of course I'll allow other LGBTQ+ characters!

5. Don't spam me
I don't have much of a life outside roleplay, but I do, unfortunately have regular human needs. I need to sleep, eat, go to school and stuff like that. Tag me once a day.

6. The Passwords
The first password is 'Mmm... Angsty'. The second password is a roleplay example. If you don't add the password, I'll just delete your form. I won't give second chances with the password. Unless you're my friend, of course, then you don't need to.

7. Be detailed
I am starting to take roleplay more seriously now so I am only doing detailed Roleplays. Any one liners and I'll ignore you. I generally like 5+ lines at a minimum, and don't have a maximum

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