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Once upon a time, two stars collided.
One was called Ameere and the other, Munir.
For years and years, these two stars were studied by man-kind as their growing chemistry struck men with great passion that made them appear to have been struck by the Cupid. They watched intently the attraction these two had, the way Ameere danced and twirled, spun and whined, bent and went on drawing the attention of Munir. They watched how Munir grew enticed with her movement, wanting nothing more than to feel the heat she was radiating. She shone brighter with every gesture he made while he burned greater with his intentions to reduce proximity between them. Their relationship went on and on while the watchers watched on and on.
This routine continued until one day. The watchers had looked away for a minute, and the unthinkable happened.
They had collided.
Munir and Ameere were gone.
All that was left was the luminous Red Nova they had left behind. It shone even brighter than Ameere and burned even greater than Munir that all fell in awe of the beauty they had created. The other stars in the sky couldn't compete. The constellations were nothing compared to it. Even the planets weren't as valuable as it was. The attention of the watchers; was greatly fixated on it. So much they barely ate. To this day, the watchers keep watching. Not for anything new but because the mesmerizing beauty Ameere and Munir had birthed could never be forgotten or labeled as unworthy of sight. This powerful star reminded the watchers of the power of love, which led them to name the star Amorente. The star that shines and burns when two lovers collide.
This story; was told for many generations under the night sky as Amorente burned and shined bright. The growing generations were awed and wondered if it was true. Most of this is true except for the claim Ameere and Munir collided.
They never collided.
They merged.
They became one.

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