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*Someones POV*

Every child knows that the world is full of magic. Before they reach the age where they have to put away their wonder for more proper things. That the things we can not see, of what children pretend, are to be left behind as soon as they know the dull truth of the world. But when I was at the age between a child and an adult, I found that the world is much stranger - and much wonderful than even I could imagine.

I learned that one Christmas, many, many years ago. Even when I told my friends they thought that I had quite the dream. Taking a train up to the North Pole, right before Santa Claus himself could deliver presents to all the children in the world. And if it wasn't for the bell... I might have believed otherwise, and that I wouldn't hear a ringing from that silver bell.

Even if it was a dream, I wouldn't forget the journey, or the children that over the years I have forgotten the names of. Many of their faces have become blurred in my memory.

Say... except for one.

When I returned to school after that Christmas, my mind was still fresh from the trip to the North Pole. During a boring moment of classes where the lessons just blend from one to another, I would often look out the window to daydream. Of tasting the hot chocolate so smooth that it was like drinking a melted chocolate bar. Of the elves that went and beyond to craft and wrap each and every present before the big night. And among the things that returned to me in my boredom, were the kids I met on the train that I didn't think I would ever see again.

There were times that I often wondered, who were those kids that came in their pajamas on that Christmas eve? Where did they live? What were they doing now?

Yet, as January slowly but surely marched into February, my questions only grew. Never knowing if I would ever get back on board that train again. That was until one day when it was the first day of February when I walked out of the house to go to school, the mailbox was hanging wide open with an envelope sticking out. It caught my eye as it was bright red that stook out from the snow all around. It had my name on it, written in golden ink.

Pulling it out, I found that it had something heavy yet it moved about inside. How curious as a child, I never got any mail - not even a package like this. So I opened it to find there was a pocket watch, and a Valentine's day card in the shape of a heart. Pulling out the watch, it reminded me of the conductor's watch that he pulled out often on that Christmas eve. Curious, I opened up the card where a ticket fell out and into the snow.

When I saw that ticket, I got excited. It was gold and it glinted in the sunlight. Yet, when I picked it up to take a good look at it - it left me confused.

The ticket read:

Valentine's Express
Dep - Feb 14th, 10:45 PM.

It was confusing because that was all it said. As much as I looked this way and that, forwards, backwards and upside down. I thought there would have been more, something to give me a clue of why this was sent to me. So I turned to the card.

'Dear Chris,
We are excited to invite you for a trip unlike any other. We at the Valentine's Express have sent you a ticket for a life changing night. On February 14th, the train will come by to pick you up, all we ask is to bring your ticket and your watch. You will also be provided a traveling buddy during your journey across the wide, wonderful of love. We hope to see you soon!
Valentine's Express.'

Throughout the days and weeks, I couldn't get it out of my mind. Was this a prank? Was there really such a train similar to the Polar Express? As the days approached Valentine's day, all I had was questions upon questions. I didn't know if this was real or not but then again... I had seen Santa Clause, so anything was possible. Who knows, perhaps the holiday might have given me a clue.

On Valentine's day however... I was left even more confused. All the red and pink paper hearts, cards of half-hearted greetings and chocolate. To me, it didn't make much sense. What point to have a holiday about love when it seems so... empty? It was as if something important was missing. At least with Christmas that, while it took me a while to understand, Valentine's only left me confused.

Even when I came home, I wasn't sure if I was excited that perhaps I might go on another adventure, or nervous. After all, if there was another magical train that spirits you away during a holiday... where would this go? Who would be with me on this? My school's celebration of the holiday made things all the more puzzling.

So that night, I put on my pajamas, turned off the light, and I waited. I listened to my baby sister being put to bed and my parents going into their room. Eventually, things became quiet and still where the only noticeable sound was the ticking pocket watch on the nightstand. For hours, I waited for something to happen, and in the moonlight, I kept my eye on the clock as it got closer and closer to 10:45.

Then, five minutes before, I heard it. A low murmur at first, a rumble that got louder and louder. Sitting up in my bed, it seemed like the whole house was shaking. In a moment, I knew what it meant. Leaping out of bed, I grabbed the watch, the ticket, and my blue robe as I rushed downstairs to the front door. I opened it just in time to see it. Right in the middle of the street, a locomotive roared past me, pulling lines of cars where the windows lit up the houses and the snow. I saw it slow down in front of my mailbox until it came to a stop.

This was indeed a different train. Ulike the Polar Express, it was red, not blue where the windows were tinted in a pale pink. I saw shadows of kids that dart about, and even peered through to look at me. On the side of each car, written in gold were the words: VALENTINE EXPRESS.

However, I noticed that something was missing from all this. That being I didn't see anyone there to greet me like last time. And yet, the only thing that happened was that I heard the clang of a heavy door that opened near me.

"Hey, I've seen your face before!"
(To Be Continued in Act 1)

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