Chapter One

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Joe's POV

"Looks like there's a storm coming." I wonder where Katy is? She was always afraid of storms as a kid. I hope she isn't afraid now. I can imagine her all grown up and beautiful just like her mother. When she was a baby, she would always run to the living room and jump on the couch next to me snuggling and covering her face in my shoulder. I would make her a cup of hot chocolate with exactly five marshmallows and we would chat about anything that came to mind and most of it didn't make much sense or was of any importance. I miss my Katy. I hope she comes home for a visit soon.

"Hey Joe! Where you lost?" Max called while waving his hand in front of my face trying to grab my attention.

"Sorry was just thinking. What were you saying?"

"I was talking about the storm, nothing important. Where you thinking of Katy again?" Max had that knowing look on his face. Even if I did disagree he would know the truth. So like always I change the topic. I get up and ask Max if he wants another drink. I pour myself a JD and also for Max.

"You know Joe you can just ask her to come and visit you. She never says no to you, atleast majority of the times." Max has been telling me to do this since quite some time now. I could do that but I know she's avoiding coming back to this town for a few reasons. I'm not sure of the reasons but I have an idea and I don't want her to do something she doesn't want to. She's always been too independent but she doesn't realize it that sometimes in life you need atleast that one person to fall upon and be with you. I worry about her. I wish I could just her ass back home and make her sit and have a heart to heart conversations and help her get over all her problems and fears. But as if she will let me do that.

"Max just let it go. She'll come when she wants to. She'll be here soon. It's impossible for her to stay away from her Joey for that long." Joe told him while switching on the television to end this conversation.

"As if you're getting any younger. You miss your goddaughter and I'm sure she misses you too. Just make some excuse and get her to visit. If you don't do that I doubt she's coming back anytime soon Joe. It's been almost 15 years. I miss having her around she made our boring lives livable." Max had that look on his face that meant if you don't listen to me, I would take a step. And knowing him he's quite capable of doing something. After all, when I was being a coward to ask my childhood sweetheart and my loving wife Cara to go on a date with me. He actually sent her a note saying exactly that in the middle of our history class in school.

"Joe, I'm being serious here. Stop ignoring me like a child. You need to call her and tell her atleast. She deserves that much." He snatched the remote and put the television off.

"She doesn't want to be here. And I'm not asking her to come just because I'm dying. Stop interfering in this matter, I'm not calling her." I answered angrily. "I want to see her atleast once before I go to my Cara, and there is still time for that. So will you just stop and leave me alone." After a while Max left and before going he told me that he is not going to mention anything about this again but if I don't do something about it soon. He will and doesn't give a shit if I like it or not. He's always been this stubborn and a pest. But he has always been there for me, no matter what the situation. After Cara left me I was a mess and a part of me died with her. He and Katy were the only two who could get me back. Soon after that Katy left too and never once came back to visit. She called and stayed in touch with me everyday, she still does once in a while. But I knew Max was right. It's time. And I need to tell her the whole truth not just about me but also about everything.

A/N: I know it's a small chapter and only about Joe but knowing this will help you understand better. I'm already working on the other one and I should be able to put it up soon. Let me know what you guys think so far xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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