Possessive King

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Arthur's P.O.V 

 The flirting. The. Flirting. It just won't stop, day and night. Merlin is constantly surrounded by beautiful girls, smiling and winking. Offering to help with his workload, when clearly it's his task, and his task alone. I've even seen one or two attempt to get him in a separate room. I can't stand for it any longer. I am the king! I should simply take what is mine... 

 But he isn't mine. 

 Third Person P.O.V 

 Well, Arthur wasn't lying about the women. Merlin was walking through the hall with a stack of folded blankets in his hands when he heard a- 

 "Meerrlin! Can you help me over here?" Merlin smiled slightly as he turned to see Rosa, a young chamber maid. He walked over and set down the freshly washed blankets he had previously been carrying. 

 "Of course, what is it?" 

 "I seem to have dropped one of my rings, and I can't quite reach it. It rolled under this cabinet here." She pouted her lips slightly and pointed at an oak cabinet at the side of the hallway. Merlin nodded and bent down on hands and knees to reach under. Almost the moment he did so, the young lady moved herself round so she could check the boy out without his knowledge. Arthur just so happened to be walking down the hall at that moment, he paused for a second, he too had to admit, Merlin has a nice ass...but then he snapped back to reality. He stormed forward and told Rosa to face him. 

"You cannot disrespect my manservant like that. So quit goggling." He whisper yelled at her, not wanting to let Merlin hear him stand up for the boy. Merlin then emerged from beneath the piece of furniture. He had a huge goofy grin spread across his face as he held up a small golden ring. He held it up to the serving girl. 

 "Is this it?" Rosa nodded, smiling sweetly at the boy. She swung her hips deliberately as she tossed her hair out of her face. 

"I don't know what I would've done without you Merlin. Thanks so much!" She blew an air kiss to him before flouncing away to continue her chores, throwing a smug glance over her shoulder at the king. Arthur growling slightly at the space she previously occupied. Merlin was however, unaware of the exchange that had been happening right next to him. He stood and began dusting himself off, then he quickly picked the blankets up and began walking away. 

"Merlin-!" Arthur yelled out his manservants name before he could stop himself. Merlin turned to look at him. 

"Yes sire?" Arthur felt himself falter as he looked for a reason to have called his loves name. 

"Uh..see to it that a new..pillow(?) is taken to my bedroom by tonight. I need my bed in good shape if I'm to rule properly." Arthur bullshitted his way through that exchange, and quickly turned to escape. Merlin gave a small, "of course sire" before turning and walking his own direction. 

Arthur had eaten dinner and it was nearing the end of the day. But before he could prepare himself for bed he needed to take some scrolls of upmost importance to the vault. He would ask Merlin to, but as this was a security issue, it was custom for him to see to it himself. 

Arthur was locking up the vault when he realized that he hadn't seen Merlin since he brought dinner, normally he would have been up in Arthur's chambers to get him ready for bed by that time. He felt worry settle in the back of his mind. Arthur was heading back up to his chambers when he heard something from a room off the side. He decided to check it out, seeing as at this time of night there shouldn't be anyone occupying that storage room. He opened the door to see Rosa pinning Merlin against the wall, kissing him roughly. Her hands were tangled in his hair. Merlin's hands were on her shoulders. It looked as though he were softly caressing the woman. Arthur felt his world come crashing down. His chest lit aflame, and rage built up within him. He ran for it. He ran so fast he thought the world was moving backwards. Arthur couldn't see that..not his Merlin..with her. 

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