Chapter 5: Was it really over?

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"Friends aren't always on one side

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"Friends aren't always on one side."


"You guys did it," Hiyori said through the phone as she looked at the news on her television.

[Yeah, although we ran into some trouble we've released the info to the public.] she heard Masaki on the other line as the male sighed.

"It's over, right?" she questioned. She doesn't know if she's asking herself or her brother.

[Yeah, it's over now. Aniki can rest in peace now.] Masaki softly said.

"That's good," Hiyori said lightly chuckled. "I'll talk to you later, Masa-nii."

[Okay, then.] he said and Hiyori ended the call.

The girl stared at the television in her apartment as the secrets of Kuryu had been exposed. Still, the nervous feeling in her gut is still there.

The girl felt like it was not the end yet.

She's still filled with doubts running through her mind.

What if Kuryu will not fall down that easily?

What if they can find a way to pull strings and get away with it?

What if they get revenge and it bit them back?

"No, no! I need to think positively!" she said to herself and shook her head. She huffed as she stood up from the sofa and looked at the time.

She's supposed to be going to Itokan right now to help Naomi.

So, the girl made her way out of her apartment as she headed to the diner.

On her way to the diner, Hiyori found Cobra outside as they both are heading in the same direction.

"Hey!" she called. Cobra stopped his tracks as he looked at the girl. Hiyori smiled and walked toward him. "What happened with Rocky? Is he okay?"

"Yeah, they're closing down the club for a while until they get rid of Doubt," Cobra said and sighed.

"Still refused your help, huh?" she asked. Hiyori held his hand and squeezed it as they continued walking to the diner.

"He can call for me anytime and I'd help him," Cobra told her. Hiyori nodded and smiled.

The blonde opened the door to the diner as they both went inside. Cobra sat down on the table in the middle while Hiyori walked towards Naomi on the counter. She sat down on the barstool, one seat apart from Tetsu.

After a minute, Chiharu came in and sat down on the empty barstool between her and Tetsu.

"How's the family business?" Chiharu asked.

"I don't know yet. We're probably done for," Tetsu replied. Hiyori sighed, she made eye contact with Naomi. The latter just gave her a nod for comfort.

"It's not just Tetsu's place. At this rate, businesses will have to close down," Dan said.

"We have to do something to protect this town," Cobra replied. Hiyori and the others can feel the tension in the air.

"Do what?" Dan spoke and clicked his tongue.

"As Sannoh Hoodlum Squad... what exactly are we fighting for?" Chiharu suddenly questioned.

"Why don't you ask Noboru?" Dan told him.


"Sannoh Hoodlum Squad was formed so that Noboru have a place to return to, right?" Dan questioned. "It doesn't involve us, so we don't get it!"

Hiyori stood up as soon as Cobra and Dan stood up from their seat and faced each other in anger. The other Sannoh members also stood up as they tried to break the two off.

"Stop it, you two!" Hiyori exclaimed but Cobra and Dan seems like they didn't hear anything.

Oshiage and Ishikawa burst through the door making the two men break their staring contest.

"It's starting!" Ishikawa exclaimed. They stood closer to the entrance and looked at the Hoodlum Squad.

"You guys are not going?" Oshiage asked.

"Shut up," Yamato told them.

"They're not just fighting Doubt," Ishikawa told them.

"Hey, Shiba, Nonoriki. Get a shot of Doubt," Oshiage said on the phone as he walked towards the guy to let them see it.

Hiyori sighed as she felt her heart beating rapidly.

"It's them from that day," Noboru muttered as the trio looked at the phone where it showed the fight between White Rascals and Doubt.

"They were hired by Doubt," Ishikawa informed them.

"Thanks for telling us," Noboru told the two girls and nodded in gratitude. "It's no longer between Rascals and Doubt.

"Cobra..." Yamato called as they all looked at their leader. Hiyori swallowed nervously as she looked at the blonde.

"I'm not joining this fight," Dan announced as he stood up. Hiyori looked at him in worry.

"What are you talking about?" Yamato frowned.

"You will neglect Tetsu and help the guy who refuses the alliance?"

"Rocky rejected the alliance to keep SWORD out of this fight," Cobra replied as he gave him a glare.

Hiyori let out a shaky breath in the corner as her mind wandered full of worry.

"I'm not with you anymore," Dan told the blonde as he walked out of the store.

Hiyori bit the bottom of her lip in frustration as one by one, some of the Hoodlum Squad members walked out.

Chiharu also left without a word and without looking back. Tetsu then stepped closer to Cobra.

"I'm sorry," Tetsu told them. Hiyori sadly looked at Tetsu from behind.

The young male turned to glance at Hiyori for a second until he look down and left.

Cobra slammed his hand on the table in frustration as he walked towards the counter and sat down beside Hiyori.

"I can't believe this," Noboru muttered as only half of the members of the Hoodlum Squad stayed with them.

"Friends aren't always on one side," Cobra spoke after a few seconds of silence. He stared at the photos of Mugen and Tatsuya that are displayed on the shelf that was hanging on the wall.

"Take it slow, you don't have to carry it all by yourself," Hiyori quietly spoke as she looked at the blonde with a soft gaze. Cobra turned to look at her and sighed. He took her hand and the girl gently squeezed his hand for comfort. To let him know that she's always with him.

That made the blonde a bit relaxed with the girl's presence. Whenever he's with her, it takes his mind off of his problems. She was like his serenity.

His solace.

The blonde sighed and then turned to look at Yamato and the others.

"Let's go help Rocky," he said and stood up. The guys walked out of the diner.

Before Cobra left, he stood up in front of Hiyori.

"I'll be back," he softly said.

"I'll be here waiting," she gave him a small smile as the blonde completely left the diner. 

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