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Room 6, hotel, and Main Street written on a piece of paper. "Sean" he finally awakes from the day dream he was in. "Yeah what's up" Sean brings the cup of coffee to his lips before sipping it slowly awaiting an answer. Patrick searches for the right words "look I hate to be the one to tell you this, but cmon you've been spending a lot of time on this case, too much time, and well, you've gotten nowhere" "it's unsolved for a reason, maybe it's time you leave it that way" Sean places the mug down before responding. "What kind of detective am I if I can't solve a simple hotel case" "and look" he goes to add on. "All the complaints are listed to only 1 took in the hotel, everyone else seems to have had a normal hotel experience. Patrick gazes at him weirdly, attempting to be supportive; he goes to talk before getting interrupted. "Room 6, I've booked a 2 day reservation there, I'll have this case solved" before Patrick could request any advice, he grabs his things and rushes out spilling the coffee behind him.
Sean stands in front of the hotel with his bag in hand. He starts walking in, the hotel was very old and dirty, the walls were stained and the floor was torn. He walks up to the front desk where a man sits with his feet up and headphones in. "Excuse me, I have a 2 day reservation here for room 6" no response. Sean taps the desk getting no reaction in doing so. He rings the bell multiple times and the man finally takes out his headphones giving him an annoyed "get on with it" look. "Reservation for room 6" Sean repeats. Looking back down at the magazines the man was reading he hands Sean the keys and dismisses him with a "upstairs down the hall last door to your right" Sean nods his head, mumbles a quick 'thanks' and begins walking towards and he staircase. He stands in front of the room. The number 6 hangs crooked on the door almost making it look like a 9. He slowly places the key in, opening the door the creaking sound echoed through the walls. Sean studied the room before entering. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, in fact it was a pretty decent room. A singular bed sits up against a wall right next to it is a desk with a chair, across from that is a tv and the bathroom door next to it. Sean takes his bags inside and sets him them on his bed. Sean begins taking out his notebook when he hears a noise. It sounds like whispering, Although he can't make out what it's saying, he hears it from the bathroom. Immediately he draws out his gun and proceeds forward. He approaches the bathroom and calls out before entering. "Is anyone here?" He takes another step. "This room is booked, step out of there" he slowly turns the handle of the doorknob and swings it open. He quickly turns on the light and aims his gun only to be met with his own reflection. He hastily pulls open the shower curtain to find nothing. The murmurs have gone away leaving Sean in confusion. He assumes it was the air conditioning or something outside and returns to go over his notes. He uncaps his pen before hearing a loud thud. He springs back up and burst through the bathroom door. He stands at the doorframe and waits. A few seconds later another thud sounded, Sean opened the cabinets only to find pipes and toilet paper. Confused as ever he was coming up with a bunch of possibilities when he heard a loud slam that caused him to jump. He turns around, the bathroom door has been shut and the lights are now flickering. He bangs on the door and demands if someone is there to show themselves. He debates kicking the door down and the sound of something being drawn on the mirror causes him to pause his thinking. In red, letters start appearing on their own. S........E...........A...........N and a handprint are displayed on the mirror. Sean is freaked out and does not believe what is happening. 'This must be a dream' he thinks to himself. Before he could process what everything meant the light returns to normal and the door flings open. It's now around 11pm and nothing else has happened, Sean has been monitoring the bathroom and the red "paint" has fully disappeared. He decides to sleep it off considering how tired he is and the fact nothing has happened in over an hour. He lies down under the covers and reaches to turn the lamp off. He twists on his side and closes his eyes. A few minutes pass by and something slowly glides up along his leg. Sean jumps up, gets off the bed, turns on the light and grabs his gun. Nothing is there. He looks under the bed in the closet and the bathroom, nothing. 'I'm imagining it' he convinces himself. He returns to bed this time with his gun under his pillow. A few more moments later a quiet "Sean" is heard. Sean swallows hard and tries to go to sleep. The blankets covering him were pulled off faster than he could process. He quickly sits up and turns on the light. Yet again, there's nothing there, his blankets sit infront of a body mirror. 'This isn't happening' he utters. Sean gets up and makes his way to the blankets. He grabs them and stands up staring at his reflection. It isn't until then he notices 2 figures standing directly behind him tilting its head and walking forward. Sean instantly turns around and backs up into the mirror making it drop down. His breathe get heavier and the figures are now gone. Sean speeds for the door and begins leaving as soon as his hand is on the handle the lamp is throne. He blocks his face with his arms receiving the impact, he turns around and tries again fast. The door won't unlock no matter how much he twist the lock. He rushes to his phone to call someone but there's no service. He looks out the window to see 3 cop cars outside. How did they know? Sean is filled with relief and awaits his rescue. "This one?" He hears one of the police officers saying, Sean goes to open the door but they beat him to it. He sees Patrick and immediately tries to explain what happened. As he's explaining he gets interrupted "everything looks fine in here" Sean gives them a confused look. Then 2 girls enter, shaking and crying. "Explain to us what happened again ladies" one of the girls begins to speak "our car broke down so we decided to stay here for a while but we started experiencing weird things" she pauses and the other girl continues for her. "At first it was things like banging and whispering but then our names were written on the mirror blankets were pulled off us and things were being thrown."Sean's heart sank. He didn't know what to do or what was going on. It's like they don't see him, like he's a ghost. How was it that they were in the same room the same night experiencing the same things but didn't see each other?.. or maybe they did. Sean takes a big step back in realization and trips over one of his bags bumping into the table causing it to fall. The 2 girls jump and all the officers look towards the sound. One walks over to examine it and comments "strange" then walks back. One of the officers takes the 2 girls home while the other 2 go back to the police station to study the case which ends up with them giving up and closing the case leaving it unsolved. To this day the case has not been solved and every time  people book room 6 they experience the confusion and pain of Sean Denmark and his unsolved case.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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