Emersons Exes Anonymous

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"Welcome everyone, to the Emerson Exes Club. All of us here have dated or liked Ms. Briggs at one point. Tyshaun let's start with you."

Tyshaun stands up, groaning like an old dad, cuz he's musty rat.
"Hi, I'm an Emerson Addict😔😔😔 That fine babe broke my heart, she was vicasious my brothers ."

Gavin Jones, the leader of the meeting, points to Tyshaun and says "we have all been there bro," he pauses thinking and looking around to see who should go next. "Zander, how about you."

"Hey guys...um *stands up like roblox character* m m m my name is Zander, and I um...," he is obviously a sus amongus little baka. Tyshaun and him lock eyes, they instantly feel something, but are both closeted chupapamunyanyos. Zander continues, trying to look hot.

"My name is Zander and I am an Emerson Addict." *does the gay hand thing at Tyshaun hoping he'll see he's 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏳️‍🌈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👨‍👨‍👦👨‍👨‍👦‍👦. Zander sits down, but not before he sees Tyshaun WiNK aT hIM!!!):):$:&:!:!:!!!

After the meeting, they say hi to each other and Tyshaun does the Debby ryan hair tuck behind his ear.

"You're so seggsy Zan zan. I know I've only known you for two hours, but do u wanna go to the neon dance with me?uWuwuwuw"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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