Chapter 2

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2 | Learning to drive before my 16

Zaak ran out of the cafeteria. I looked around and started following him.

"Where are we going?"

"Doesn't matter right now. All that does matter is to get you to safety."

Zaak rushed as fast as he could, his crutch was lifted up and not even touching the ground but he ran faster than I could catch up with.

We ran out of the orphanage gates, surprisingly, no one was interested in holding us back before we got out.

"Here. The one right there." Zaak pointed at a fancy looking car at the end of the parking lot as he ran up to it.

"What do you want with it?" I asked, half knowing what he intended to do.

"We're ...borrowing it," Zaak shrugged.

Zaak opened the right door of the car, leaning down and sitting on the passenger seat, leaving me to the drivers seat.

I entered the car and spotted the keys hanging into the engine start.

"What does this say?" I asked Zaak while I tried to read the small letters onto the key. My dyslexia didn't help that much on this case.

Zaak leaned in and narrowed his eyes to read the keys to say, "It says: Buggati."

"We're in a Buggati? Oh God ..." I groaned and pushed the door closed.

"Oh, it's a Veyron. I think," Zaak said.

I slammed my head into the steering wheel.

"So I have no idea how to drive. You're our only hope to get out of here, alright?" Zaak gave my shoulder a punch.

"I don't know how to drive, either!" I glared at Zaak.

"It's fine, you're a quick learner. Just don't get us killed," Zaak said.

I sighed and turned the key to start the engine.

The car roared into life and started trembling with the power of its engine running.

Zack turned to me with a smirk. "Okay, we're going out. Heading for Long Island."

"Long Island?! That's on the other side of New York!" I said, with a completely taken aback voice.

"Yeah, okay. Just go East," Zaak said.

Our drive took about 15 minutes for me to get adjusted with driving, after half an hour I knew pretty much all I needed to rea-ch Long Island, at least.

The whole drive was filled with stares behind the car from Zaak, like he had been worried something would happen if he didn't spot whatever it was in time.

At some point in the drive we passed by a broke down bus in the middle of the road. We stopped to get fuel nearby and ended up seeing the accident as we raced close to it.

"All right. We're going to get to the camp, and we're gonna be fine. Completely fine." Zaak reassured. But I got the feeling he was calming himself more than he was me.

𐌙/𐌍 Ᏽ𐌵𐌀𐌋𐌄 & 𐌕𐋅𐌄 Ᏽ𐌐𐌄𐌀𐌕 𐌌𐌙𐌕𐋅𐌔 ¹Where stories live. Discover now